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CSWE Releases Substance Use Curricular Guide


The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) today announced the release of the Specialized Practice Curricular Guide for Substance Use Social Work Practice, the newest addition to the 2015 EPAS Curricular Guide Resource Series.

This specialized guide includes resources that will help prepare social work educators or any other educators/trainers responsible for teaching future professionals to practice in substance use. The guide includes suggested curriculum content, exercises, readings, multimedia content, assignments, and more that are mapped to specialized substance use competencies that extend and enhance the nine generalist social work competencies.

“Social work students will certainly encounter substance use disorders in their practice. We hope that this guide can help educators impart specialized knowledge, values, and skills that students will need to practice in the field and understand that these disorders impact individuals, families, groups, and communities,” said CSWE President and CEO Darla Spence Coffey, PhD, MSW.

The guide was developed by a national task force from a variety of schools of social work and chaired by Anthony Estreet, PhD, LCSW-C, of Morgan State University and Rebecca Gomez, PhD, LCSW, of Our Lady of the Lake University. CSWE would like to thank the national task force members for their dedication and contributions.

The Specialized Practice Curricular Guide for Substance Use was created thanks to CSWE’s partnership with the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry and the Opioid Response Network, a collaborative effort to provide free training and education that addresses the opioid health crisis. Funding for the Opioid Response Network grant initiative is made possible by grant no. 6H79TI080816 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.