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Balancing Essential With Safe and Ethical During COVID-19


About Social Work Responds
The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), and the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) are committed to collaborating on the range of issues affecting the social work profession and the people and communities we serve in this ever-changing and unsettling environment created by the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.


Based on last week’s e-mail and calls to action, our organizations want to share critical follow-up information. 

  • ASWB’s regulatory provisions page was updated April 3. 
  • CSWE supports the Students Assist America program, an interdisciplinary safety net in Ohio, where social work, medical, and nursing students who have completed most of their education will relieve the burden on medical staff who must focus on the specialized treatment for acute respiratory illness associated with COVID-19.
  • NASW continues to work to expand telehealth flexibilities and promote workplace safety for social workers (including personal protective equipment).


Balancing Essential With Safe and Ethical During COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, social workers have been designated “essential workers” by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

  • HHS Secretary Alex Azar asked governors to extend the capacity of the health-care workforce to address the pandemic and provided guidance recommending a lifting of restrictions on licensure, scope of practice, certification, and recertification/re-licensure for health-care workers. (March 24)
  • The DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency published an advisory list of essential critical infrastructure workers. The list includes health-care/public health services and non-health care settings such as community- and government-based operations and residential/shelter facilities and services. In these sectors the full scope of social work practice is embraced, including clinical, policy, education, and regulation. (March 28)

With this guidance, the federal government is (a) recognizing that the services social workers provide in hospitals, child protective services, nursing homes, and other community-based settings have been ongoing and must continue throughout this pandemic; and (b) recommending that states do all they can to temporarily reduce/eliminate barriers to allow the workforce to be deployed expeditiously.

Although the federal government has made recommendations to help states during this time of crisis, the states ultimately maintain the authority to protect the public. Whether these temporary measures continue after the crisis will be determined. ASWB is encouraging regulatory boards to make needed adjustments to their laws and regulations if they are able. As regulatory changes and emergency orders are issued, organizations must explore the impact on their social work workforce and adjust their policies to meet community needs.

To safeguard the health and well-being of students and educators, social work educational programs are, at their discretion, reducing the field hours required for social work degree requirements at the recommendation of CSWE. Earning real-world experience is essential for students to have a well-rounded education. The rigors of social work education have not changed, but rather programs are empowered to work with students and teachers to find ways for students to earn that experience and be ready to practice within the full scope of their licenses, education, and experience after graduation.

When calling for the temporary reduction of barriers to expand services to those in need and defining “essential workers,” the federal government has an obligation to provide needed resources and support to states. States have an obligation to their constituents to ensure that much-needed services are made available and are provided safely; employers are responsible for ensuring staff safety (among other things); educational institutions have an obligation to ensure a safe environment for students and educators; and social workers are responsible for acting safely and ethically in service provision.

How We Can Help

ASWB is publishing policy actions from regulatory boards to help social workers quickly access information about waiving of in-state licensing requirements for out-of-state social workers licensed in another jurisdiction; lifting of restrictions on the provision of telehealth services; modifications to license requirements for current licensees, including CE requirements for license renewal and requirements for obtaining clinical supervised experience; and extension of exam approval dates. ASWB is updating this information regularly as we become aware of changes. 

CSWE continues to support efforts from federal agencies, including HHS, that enable social workers, students, and educators to positively affect their communities. It also fully expects that being designated an essential workforce raises the value of the knowledge, values, and skills integrated into the current EPAS competencies and heightens the need to ensure that the next iteration, EPAS 2022, addresses the competencies necessary for this workforce.

NASW works to ensure that social workers are aware of the recent flexibilities in telehealth at the federal and state levels, and how they can effectively deploy technologies such as smartphones in addition to video conferencing to provide services during this public health emergency. NASW is also offering a variety of opportunities for social workers to learn about and discuss the policy, ethical, legal, and other issues that are arising in the context of practice during the pandemic. In addition, NASW is advocating that social workers—who are on the front lines of providing care in hospitals and other settings—are provided with personal protective equipment.