The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) is pleased to announce the election of the following individuals to CSWE's Board of Directors and National Nominating Committee
2017 Board of Directors
Graduate Program Representative
Cathryn Potter, Rutgers University
Graduate Faculty Representative
Mahasweta Banerjee, The University of Kansas
Undergraduate Program Representative
Eunice Matthews-Armstread, Eastern Connecticut State University
Undergraduate Faculty Representative
Lori Messinger, University of North Carolina Wilmington
2017 National Nominating Committee
Graduate Program Representative
Theresa “Terry” Cluse-Tolar, Ohio University
Graduate Program Representative
Victoria Rizzo, Binghamton State University, State University of New York
Undergraduate Program Representative
Daria Hanssen, Marist College (NY)
Undergraduate Faculty Representative
Elizabeth Dungee-Anderson, Wayne State University (MI)
Undergraduate Faculty Representative
Alice Locklear, University of North Carolina at Pembroke
All positions are 3-year terms, beginning July 1, 2017, and ending June 30, 2020.
Please join us in congratulating the newest members of CSWE's Board of Directors and National Nominating Committee!