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2015 EPAS Site Visitor Training

CSWE’s Office of Social Work Accreditation is now offering 2015 EPAS Site Visitor Training through the CSWE Learning Academy. The training includes on-demand, web-based modules and a brief proficiency assessment. 

Site visitors operate under the authority of the Commission on Accreditation (COA). As part of the reaffirmation process, site visitors visit social work programs and act as information gatherers. Programs have the opportunity to provide the visitors with information that clarifies, corrects, or supplements information about which the COA has questions related to Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS).
To become a certified site visitor an individual must be a full- or part-time social work faculty member at a CSWE-accredited social work program, have a letter of recommendation from that program’s chief administrator, and maintain CSWE membership. Click here for more information about site visitor qualifications.