The CSWE Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) describe four features of an integrated curriculum design: (1) program mission and goals; (2) explicit curriculum; (3) implicit curriculum; and (4) assessment.
Guidelines for formatting documents for submission to CSWE.
Accreditation presentations covering a variety of topics, including ones related to the Pre-Candidacy and Candidacy processes.
Sign up for a monthly Pre-Candidacy preparation workshop with Accreditation Senior Team Leader. Each month includes a topical presentation and discussion.
The Benchmark Model chart illustrates which features of the Educational Policies and Academic Standards (EPAS) and which accreditation standards (AS) the program is working on during each commissioner visit. For more information on the Candidacy Benchmark Model can be found in the EPAS Handbook.
Social work program eligibility application for Candidacy status.
Applying for Candidacy:
The program emails a Letter of Institutional Intent and a Candidacy Eligibility Application form with supporting materials to the Senior Team Leader of the Department of Social Work Accreditation (DOSWA). The program also mails the Candidacy Eligibility Fee to CSWE's Finance Department. The Senior Team Leader works under the supervision of the director of the DOSWA to review the submission. When the Senior Team Leader approves the Letter of Institutional Intent and Candidacy Eligibility Application, the program is asked to submit a Benchmark I document. The Senior Team Leader reviews the Benchmark I document and works with the program to make certain it has fully addressed all of the requirements of the Benchmark I. After approving the Benchmark I document, the Senior Team Leader recommends that the site visit coordinator of DOSWA arrange Commissioner Visit I and formally assigns the program to an accreditation specialist. The date of Benchmark I approval determines the program’s agenda date (February, June, or October).
The Letter of Institutional Intent and Candidacy Eligibility Application must be approved by the Senior Team Leader before Benchmark I is submitted. Once the letter of intent and application are approved, the Senior Team Leader will send an e-mail regarding the next step, which is the submission of the Benchmark I document for initial review and approval.
Candidacy Eligibility Application Form:
The Candidacy Eligibility Application form lists each eligibility standard, asks a series of simple questions, and/or requires the submission of materials to determine compliance. Information about when the Candidacy Eligibility Application is due and where it should be sent is on the Timetable for Candidacy—2015 EPAS.
Letter of Institutional Intent (final section of Candidacy Eligibility Application):
The Letter of Institutional Intent is a narrative that provides clear, complete, and sufficient information regarding the program and institution’s intent to start a social work program. The letter must include the following:
A discussion of the institution’s mission and the relationship of the social work program to that mission.
An analysis of the relationship of the proposed program to the institution’s strategic or long range plan.
A discussion of the costs (including a projected budget) of the program and the benefits or advantages that the institution expects to receive relative to these costs.
Preliminary ideas about the mission and goals of the social work program.
A summary of the program’s initial development activities.
Note: If a program is part of a “collaborative”, both programs’ institutions must meet eligibility requirements and turn in separate Letters of Institutional Intent and Candidacy Eligibility Applications.
List and explanation of fees related to the candidacy process.
Direct any questions regarding accreditation fees to
Purpose and Overview of the Commissioner Visit
Every program going through candidacy has an annual visit from a member of the Commission on Accreditation (COA). Commissioner Visit occur following the submission of each Benchmark document, and prior to a COA review and decision of the Benchmark. The Commissioner visitor provides consultation surrounding program development related to accreditation standards.
please submit this brief form to identify your scheduled Commissioner visit date and format.
The program is to download and complete its portion of the Benchmark I Review Brief and send it to the Accreditation Specialist along with the Benchmark I document. The Benchmark I Review Brief is used by the COA commission reader to report their evaluation of the program reviewed for candidacy status.
Benchmark I Volume I Template
This optional formatted template includes all standards and their components. Programs choosing to use this template should incorporate their response to each standard directly into the Word document. When complete, the document will comprise Volume I of the full Benchmark I. This will be submitted along with Volume II (syllabi); Volume III (student handbook and field manual); and the Benchmark I Review Brief.
This form is supporting document for AS 3.2.1, AS 3.2.2, AS B3.2.4, and AS M3.2.4. Baccalaureate programs must have at least two faculty at Benchmark I. Master's programs must have three faculty at Benchmark I; five faculty at Benchmark II; and six faculty at Initial Accreditation.
This form provides supporting documentation and formatting guidance for CVs to be included in the self-study for AS 3.2.1, AS 3.2.2, AS B3.2.4, and AS M3.2.4.
This form is used to evaluate a program's compliance with Accreditation Standard 3.4.1.
This report is used to evaluate the program's compliance with AS 3.4.4.
The commission visitor’s primary task is to discuss the Benchmark I document and identify areas of compliance and concern with the first portion of Benchmark I. The visitor also reviews the draft standards in the second portion of Benchmark I and identifies areas of further development that the program can use in writing the compliance section of Benchmark II.
A comprehensive list of possible COA decisions related to Benchmark I can be found in the EPAS Handbook
Benchmark II Review Brief (2015 EPAS)
The program is to download and complete its portion of the Benchmark II Review Brief and send it to the Accreditation Specialist along with the Benchmark II document. The Benchmark II Review Brief is used by the COA commission reader to report their evaluation of the program reviewed for a second year of Candidacy status.
Benchmark II Volume I Template
This optional formatted template includes all standards and their components. Programs choosing to use this template should incorporate their response to each standard directly into the Word document. When complete, the document will comprise Volume I of the full Benchmark II. This will be submitted along with Volume II (syllabi); Volume III (student handbook and field manual); and the Benchmark II Review Brief.
Budget Form (2015 EPAS)
This form is used to evaluate a program's compliance with Accreditation Standard 3.4.1.
Faculty Summary Form (2015 EPAS)
This form is a supporting document for AS 3.2.1, AS 3.2.2, AS B3.2.4, and AS M3.2.4.
Faculty Data Form (2015 EPAS)
This form provides supporting documentation and formatting guidance for CVs to be included in the self-study for AS 3.2.1, AS 3.2.2, AS B3.2.4, and AS M3.2.4.
Librarian’s Report Form (2015 EPAS)
This report is used to evaluate the program's compliance with AS 3.4.4.
Assessment Reporting Form-Baccalaureate (2015 EPAS)
Programs use this form to report student learning outcomes to the public. Programs are required to post this form on their website, updating the form minimally every 2 years. Please note that this form is used for reporting findings for AS 4.0.3, but more detailed findings are necessary for AS 4.0.2.
Assessment Reporting Form-Master’s (2015 EPAS)
Programs use this form to report student learning outcomes to the public. Programs are required to post this form on their website, updating the form minimally every 2 years. Please note that this form is used for reporting findings for AS 4.0.3, but more detailed findings are necessary for AS 4.0.2.
Commissioner Visit II
The commission visitor’s primary task is to discuss the Benchmark II document and identify areas of compliance and concern in the first part of the Benchmark II document. The visitor will also ask the program whether there have been any changes since the last visit and determine whether any of those changes affect the program’s compliance.
The visitor also reviews the draft standards in the second part of the Benchmark II document and identifies areas of further development that the program can use in writing the compliance section of Initial Accreditation/Benchmark III.
Commission on Accreditation Benchmark II Decisions
A comprehensive list of possible COA decisions related to Benchmark II can be found in the EPAS Handbook
The program is to download and complete its portion of the Initial Accreditation Review Brief and send it to the Accreditation Specialist along with the Initial Accreditation Self-Study. The Initial Accreditation Review Brief is used by the COA commission reader to report their evaluation of the program reviewed for initial accreditation.
This optional formatted template includes all standards and their components. Programs choosing to use this template should incorporate their response to each standard directly into the Word document. When complete, the document will comprise Volume I of the full self-study.
Programs use this form to report student learning outcomes to the public. Programs are required to post this form on their website, updating the form minimally every 2 years. Please note that this form is used for reporting findings for AS 4.0.3, but more detailed findings are necessary for AS 4.0.2.
Programs use this form to report student learning outcomes to the public. Programs are required to post this form on their website, updating the form minimally every 2 years. Please note that this form is used for reporting findings for AS 4.0.3, but more detailed findings are necessary for AS 4.0.2.
This form provides supporting documentation and formatting guidance for CVs to be included in the self-study for AS 3.2.1, AS 3.2.2, AS B3.2.4, and AS M3.2.4.
This form is a supporting document for AS 3.2.1, AS 3.2.2, AS B3.2.4, and AS M3.2.4.
This form is used to evaluate a program's compliance with Accreditation Standard 3.4.1.
This report is used to evaluate the program's compliance with AS 3.4.4.
The commission visitor’s primary task is to discuss the Initial Accreditation Self-Study and identify areas of compliance and concern. The visitor will also ask the program whether there have been any changes since the last visit and determine whether any of those changes affect the program’s compliance.
A comprehensive list of possible COA decisions related to Initial Accreditation can be found in the EPAS Handbook.
Initial Accreditation Eligibility Application
Prior to the submission of the program’s self-study for initial accreditation, the baccalaureate program must demonstrate that its host institution can and will support and sustain a baccalaureate or master's social work program.
Candidacy Timetables
The following timetables guide programs through the Candidacy process. They include information such as deadlines and required documentation. To determine your program’s COA agenda date, please contact the program’s assigned Accreditation Specialist or the Senior Team Leader, or visit the Directory of Accredited Programs.