Applying for Candidacy:
The program emails a Letter of Institutional Intent and a Candidacy Eligibility Application form with supporting materials to the Senior Team Leader of the Department of Social Work Accreditation (DOSWA). The program also mails the Candidacy Eligibility Fee to CSWE's Finance Department. The Senior Team Leader works under the supervision of the director of the DOSWA to review the submission. When the Senior Team Leader approves the Letter of Institutional Intent and Candidacy Eligibility Application, the program is asked to submit a Benchmark I document. The Senior Team Leader reviews the Benchmark I document and works with the program to make certain it has fully addressed all of the requirements of the Benchmark I. After approving the Benchmark I document, the Senior Team Leader recommends that the site visit coordinator of DOSWA arrange Commissioner Visit I and formally assigns the program to an accreditation specialist. The date of Benchmark I approval determines the program’s agenda date (February, June, or October).
The Letter of Institutional Intent and Candidacy Eligibility Application must be approved by the Senior Team Leader before Benchmark I is submitted. Once the letter of intent and application are approved, the Senior Team Leader will send an e-mail regarding the next step, which is the submission of the Benchmark I document for initial review and approval.
Letter of Institutional Intent:
The Letter of Institutional Intent is a narrative that provides clear, complete, and sufficient information regarding the program and institution’s intent to start a social work program. The letter must include the following:
- A discussion of the institution’s mission and the relationship of the social work program to that mission.
- An analysis of the relationship of the proposed program to the institution’s strategic or long range plan.
- A discussion of the costs (including a projected budget) of the program and the benefits or advantages that the institution expects to receive relative to these costs.
- Preliminary ideas about the mission and goals of the social work program.
- A summary of the program’s initial development activities.
Note: If a program is part of a “collaborative”, both programs’ institutions must meet eligibility requirements and turn in separate Letters of Institutional Intent and Candidacy Eligibility Applications.
Candidacy Eligibility Application Form:
The Candidacy Eligibility Application form lists each eligibility standard, asks a series of simple questions, and/or requires the submission of materials to determine compliance. Information about when the Candidacy Eligibility Application is due and where it should be sent is on the Timetable for Candidacy—2015 EPAS.
Eligibility Standard 1
The review of the social work program by the Commission on Accreditation (COA) is authorized by the chief executive officer of the institution.
Eligibility Standard 2
The program is located in an educational institution recognized by a regional accrediting body approved by the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Eligibility Standard 3
The institution must be legally organized and authorized to operate as a postsecondary educational institution under the laws of the relevant state. The program has been approved by the appropriate higher education authority.
Eligibility Standard 4
The institution has a written affirmative action policy, plan or program, and procedures, and a stated policy against discrimination based on race, color, religion, creed, gender, ethnic or national origin, disability, or age. The institution complies with requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Eligibility Standard 5
The institution has appointed a chief administrator who has demonstrated leadership ability through teaching, scholarship, curriculum development, administrative experience, and other academic and professional activities in the field of social work.
At the baccalaureate level the social work program director who is the chief administrator, or the designee of the chief administrator, has a master’s social work degree from a CSWE-accredited program (doctoral degree preferred) or a baccalaureate degree in social work from a CSWEaccredited program and a doctoral degree.
At the master’s level the social work program director who is the chief administrator, or the designee of the chief administrator, has a master’s of social work degree from a CSWE-accredited program. In addition, it is preferred that the MSW program director has a doctoral degree.
Eligibility Standard 6
The institution documents sufficient and firm institutional supports to create, build, and maintain the social work program. Include faculty, staff, budget, and other resources necessary to build and maintain the program.