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Faculty from three diverse gero social work programs share their innovations for keeping their programs current and appealing, including takeaways that participants can adapt to enhance their own programs and recruit students.
This webinar highlighted the unique ways that social workers can take advantage of the programs and funding provided by the John A. Hartford Foundation’s Change AGEnts Initiative.
The Gero-Ed Center is accepting applications for the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund's Student Travel Scholarship from faculty nominators until Wednesday, July 1, 2015. Awardees will receive $500 for travel expenses to attend the 2015 CSWE APM in Denver, Colorado and a complimentary APM registration.
Anne Millheiser, Manager if Social Work Services at Rush University Medical Center explores opportunities for social workers in patient centered medical homes and how educators can prepare students for these roles.
The Gero-Ed Center will host a repeat of the webinar, Patient Centered Medical Homes: Opportunities for Social Workers, on April 28, 2015, at 1:00 pm ET!
CSWE has developed a free film study guide from the 2013 Annual Program Meeting Film Festival to help you infuse gero curriculum in your classroom! Old People Driving chronicles the adventures of 96-year-old Milton and 99-year-old Herbert as they confront the end of their driving years.
In partnership with the Veterans Health Administration, the Gero-Ed Center hosted successful Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education (HPPAE) orientations at four new VA sites in Fall 2014.
New presentations from select sessions of the 2014 Gero-Ed Track at the CSWE Annual Program Meeting are now available! Topics include community-based aging initiatives, preparing students with person-centered and participant-directed competencies, and preparing gero social work students to work in changing health care settings.
A recording of the webinar, How to Become a Certified Application Counselor: Opportunities for Social Workers, is now available! This webinar featured social workers practitioners and educators who shared their enrollment experiences and best practices for helping people connect with health insurance coverage. Step-by-step instructions on how to become a CAC were also provided by CMS representatives.
November is Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, and CSWE’s blog, Moving Pictures, is featuring the Living with Alzheimer’s Project—four short films that portray the responses of families affected by Alzheimer’s disease in the hopes of supporting other families in the same situation.
The Eldercare Workforce Alliance (EWA) has released a toolkit for advocates of older adults who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, entitled Quality Care through a Quality Workforce. The toolkit provides resources that can be implemented by stakeholders to promote concrete workforce policy and practice recommendations that ensure competence care of older adults for state officials, health plans, and provider networks.
On October 16, 2014, the Gero-Ed Center co-hosted a webinar on the Certified Application Counselor (CAC) program with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), and the Society for Social Work Leadership in Healthcare (SSWLHC).
Center staff continue to add to and update this website’s gero-focused case studies, class exercises, reading lists/bibliographies, assignments… and more! Just this year, 11 bibliographies, 9 case studies, 2 syllabi, and 1 in-class assignment have been added—and nearly 20 bibliographies have been updated with current readings. Visit the Teaching Resources section to review, download, and use some of the nearly 350 resources in your own courses!
Congratulations to the 2014 awardees of the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund's Student Travel Scholarships! Charlie Bouverette, Kathryn Fox, and Olaide Wolfe will receive $500 to assist with travel expenses and complimentary registration to attend the CSWE 2014 Annual Program Meeting (APM) in Tampa, FL from October 23–26, 2014.
Join the Gero-Ed Center for a preconference Faculty Development Institute to learn how to prepare social work students with person-centered and participant-directed competencies at the 2014 CSWE APM!
A recording of the webinar The ACA and Care Transitions: Implications for Social Work, which took place on July 16, 2014 is now available! Paul Gould of Binghamton University and Walter Rosenberg of Rush University Medical Center discussed care transition interventions that utilize social workers, directions for social work practice, and implications for social work education created by new payment structures and business models.
The official selections of the 2014 Film Festival, part of the CSWE Annual Program Meeting, are now available! Two films feature gerontological themes, including Cyber-Seniors, which highlights a mentoring program in which teens teach older adults how to use computers, and Homegoings, which explores the significance of death in African American communities.
The Gero-Ed Center is pleased to feature the 2014 Gero-Ed Track: Social Work’s Role in the New Era of Aging at the CSWE APM in Tampa, FL from October 23–26. Highlights of this year’s programming include the Kick-Off Panel, Aging Your Way: Advancing Social Work Education and Practice, the annual AGESW networking reception, faculty development sessions on person-centered and participant-directed competencies, and more!
The Gero-Ed Center is pleased to announce that the HPPAE-VHA partnership is expanding to three VA Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC) sites and one VA hospital in fall 2014! The new partners include the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center in Charleston, SC and GRECC sites in Durham, NC; Pittsburgh, PA; and Nashville, TN.
Join Paul Gould of Binghamton University and Walter Rosenberg of Rush University Medical on July 16, 2014 at 1:00 pm EST to learn how social workers are on the forefront of new care transition interventions mandated by the ACA, and what this means for social work education and practice.
Are you a social work student interested in aging? Apply for a Student Travel Scholarship, and you could win complimentary registration and $500 for travel expenses to attend the 2014 CSWE Annual Program Meeting and its Gero-Ed Track events in Tampa, Florida!
The Gero-Ed Center is accepting nominations for the Ashley Brooks-Danso Fund’s Student Travel Scholarships! The scholarships offer BSW and MSW students complimentary registration and $500 towards travel expenses to attend the 2014 CSWE APM and its Gero-Ed Track events.
May is Older Americans Month! To celebrate, the Eldercare Workforce Alliance has released a toolkit to highlight publications, programs, and personal stories from EWA member organizations that focus on the health and safety of older Americans.
CSWE has developed free film study guides from the 2012 Annual Program Meeting Film Festival to help you infuse gero curriculum in your classroom!
The 2014 Gero-Ed Track at the CSWE Annual Program Meeting will launch with the Kick-Off Panel, Aging Your Way: Advancing Social Work Education and Practice. An expert panel will discuss community-based aging in place initiatives and how they relate to social work education on aging services.
Join Suzanne Daub, Senior Integrated Health Consultant with the National Council on Behavioral Health, for a webinar on April 22nd at 1:00 p.m. EST to learn how the ACA is changing the delivery of behavioral health services and what that means for social work practice and education.
The Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education (HPPAE) student alumni and the Committee on Leadership in Aging published the final HPPAE Happenings newsletter.
The hallmark of social work is servant leadership. Carol J. Sheets is the epitome of such a leader, providing guidance and elevating the standard of social work practice at every level in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA).
A recent NASW News article stated that up to 70,000 geriatric social workers will be needed to meet the demands of an aging society. Access the article to learn how the Hartford Foundation’s Geriatric Social Work Initiative has been addressing this issue since 1999.
The Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education–Veterans Health Administration (HPPAE-VHA) partnership is in full swing! This partnership implements the HPPAE program, a field-based model for training advanced level master’s social work students in geriatric competencies, in select VHA Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC) sites and non-GRECC VHA sites.
CSWE has instituted a film festival showcasing student films that can be used as classroom resources for social work educators and students. Complete your entry by Friday, February 14, 2014 to have your film considered for inclusion in the festival.
CSWE is recruiting to fill a new program coordinator position. The program coordinator will provide customer service and administrative support for the Gero-Ed Center and the Office of Member and Communication Services (OMACS).
A webinar called The Affordable Care Act: A New Opportunity for Social Work, presented by Robyn Golden, Rush University Medical Center, and Sandy Atkins, Partners in Care Foundation was conducted on December 13. Access the webinar recording to learn more!
The 2013 Gero-Ed Track is pleased to offer exciting events at this year’s Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting (APM), including the Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off Panel highlighting trauma and aging, a Gerontology Education Consultants session with four seasoned faculty, sessions on developing the social work workforce for the Aging Network, and much more!
Congratulations to Todd Crawford of Southern University at New Orleans who has been awarded the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund Student Travel Scholarship. He has earned $500 and a complimentary registration for travel to the CSWE Annual Program Meeting in Dallas, TX.
This Bloomberg article highlights the ways in which the Hebrew Home in New York encourages healthy sexual expression in nursing homes, serving as an example to others.
NADD's Gerontological Taskforce compiled a guide outlining funding sources and other resources which support gerontological social work.
The Partnerships for Person-Centered and Participant-Directed Long-Term Services and Supports project will build the BSW and MSW workforce pipeline for Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) and, more broadly, for the Aging and Disabilities Network.
Recent studies indicate that simple home repairs may prevent unnecessary nursing home placements. This Washington Post article describes in more detail how inexpensive home repairs and coordinated care are supporting aging in place.
Prisoners’ health deteriorates more rapidly than the general population, resulting in higher healthcare costs for older prisoners. According to this NBC News article, this puts stress on the prison system and taxpayer dollars.
This report provides a history and overview of the Gero-Rich and Gero-Ed Center's initiatives since 1998.
Interested in aging and attending APM? You could earn $500 for travel expenses to the 2013 CSWE APM in Dallas, Texas and a complimentary APM registration. Applications are due from faculty nominators for the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund’s Student Travel Scholarship in one week by Monday, July 1, 2013 at 11:59pm ET.
This PBS NewsHour interactive website provides insight into the current employment and retirement environment for older adults.
The John A. Hartford Foundation is pleased to announce the Change AGEnts Initiative which will bring together individuals affiliated with past Hartford-funded programs in order to catalyze change in practice. Collaboration across disciplines will transform the way health care is delivered to our aging society.
The CSWE Gero-Ed Center is now accepting applications for the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund’s Student Travel Scholarship from faculty nominators until Monday, July 1, 2013 at 11:59pm ET. One student will win $500 for travel expenses to the 2013 CSWE APM in Dallas, Texas and a complimentary APM registration.
Poverty is difficult to measure. The Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) created by the Census Bureau produces a more accurate poverty figure. This new measure reveals that older adults are more impoverished than previously thought.
Older Americans month was inaugurated in 1963. In recognition of older Americans, review some interesting facts on this fast growing demographic.
The CSWE Gero-Ed Center Fund has received generous contributions from over 100 individuals since 2007 that help support the Center’s sustainability. If you would like to contribute, select the Gero-Ed Fund box when renewing your CSWE membership or e-mail the Gero-Ed Center.
The CSWE Gero-Ed Center is pleased to accept nominations for the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund’s Student Travel Scholarships . One student will win $500 for travel expenses to the 2013 CSWE APM in Dallas, Texas and a complimentary APM registration. Applications are due from faculty nominators by Monday, July 1, 2013 at 11:59pm ET.
Are you a student interested in aging and attending APM? The CSWE Gero-Ed Center is pleased to accept nominations for the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund’s Student Travel Scholarships. One student will win $500 for travel expenses to the 2013 CSWE APM in Dallas, Texas and a complimentary APM registration. Applications are due from faculty nominators by Monday, July 1, 2013 at 11:59pm ET.
The GoodGym motivates individuals to get in shape and also give back to their community. Read more about how this innovative program in London is helping isolated older adults.
Researchers say it is not necessarily loneliness but social isolation which puts older adults’ health at risk. This CBS News article provides details about the effects of social isolation on older adults’ health.
The Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off Panel, Trauma Across Generations: From Research to Practice (1.5 CE hours through the Approved Continuing Education [ACE] Program offered by CSWE; CE registration required), will be held on Friday, November 1 from 10:45am–12:15pm. The panel will highlight forensic social work with older adults, homelessness, older veterans, and historical trauma. Learn how research informs practice with these vulnerable populations.
One man recounts his experience living in an assisted living facility after having advocated for these facilities during his working years.
Careers in Aging Week (CIAW) is going on now through April 13. We hope that you are organizing events on your camps such as panel discussions, film screenings, poster sessions, or career fairs. A CIAW toolkit produced through the Geriatric Social Work Initiative can help you with these activities.
An astonishing statistic about student loan debt: Millions of Americans aged 50 and older account for more than $149 billion in unresolved student loan debt, resulting from both their own student loans and co-signed loans for children and grandchildren
Adult day care programs offer older adults the option of aging in place and also bring relief to family caregivers.
In the coming months insurance companies will begin charging new female policyholders more for long-term care insurance, reflecting an overall higher usage among women. See this Washington Post article for more on the rationale behind gender pricing and long-term care insurance.
Careers in Aging Week (CIAW) will take place from April 7–13, 2013. Consider organizing a panel discussion, film screening, poster session, or career fair—A CIAW toolkit produced through the Geriatric Social Work Initiative can help you plan activities.
This guide, provided by the Eldercare Workforce Alliance, assists geriatric and gerontology providers—including licensed clinical social workers—in navigating the National Health Service Corps program with information regarding program eligibility and application instructions.
Not only are many middle-aged adults caring for aging parents, but they are also supporting their adult children in financially rough times. This Washington Post article discusses the dual support challenges facing this “sandwich generation”.
The Gero-Ed Track encourages abstract submission for CEU-eligible sessions to the CSWE 59th Annual Program Meeting, which will be held in Dallas, TX from Oct 31–Nov 3, by Monday, February 25 at 11:59 pm ET. Submit your proposal through the Online Proposal Submission website and select the “Gero-Ed (Aging and Gerontology) Track” option.
The Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work Pre-Dissertation Initiative will provide support for a cohort of ten doctoral students who have completed their first year of doctoral studies. The goal of this program is to support dissertation and career development in gerontological social work research and education. The application deadline is May 1.
The Gero-Ed Center has been granted $1.2 million from the John A. Hartford Foundation for three additional years (Jan 1, 2013 – Dec 31, 2015) of transition funding to sustain our signature functions while also pursuing new partnerships and funding opportunities.
The American Tax Relief Act of 2012, signed into law on January 2, includes a provision that mandates the establishment of a Commission on Long-Term Care which will implement a "comprehensive, coordinated, and high-quality system that ensures the availability of long-term services and supports" for elders and people with disabilities. Read more.
Nominations for CSWE's professional recognition awards are due February 1: The Significant Lifetime Achievement in Social Work Education Award and the Distinguished Recent Contributions in Social Work Education Award will be presented at the 2013 Annual Program Meeting, Oct 31–Nov 3.
The Washington DC-based National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI) is offering several summer 2013 internships for students interested in aging and disability. The first application deadlines are on March 1.
A new poll from the John A. Hartford Foundation examines attitudes, awareness, and experiences of care among seniors. The poll finds that many patients are not receiving important services, such as timely follow-up (46%), and many don’t know the serious health consequences of depression, such as increasing the risk of dementia (78%).
In light of both financial and caregiving issues, multigenerational style homes are regaining popularity. New designs ensure that older adults maintain their own privacy but gain much needed proximity to family. This New York Times article describes this shift in more detail.
The 2012 APM Gero-Ed Track welcomed the first cohort of Ashley Brooks-Danso Scholarship Awardees. Here is what they had to say about their experiences. Please consider contributing to support future students like them.
The Gero-Ed Track at the 2012 CSWE Annual Program Meeting had many distinguished events including the Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off Panel on addictions and aging, the AGESW Reception celebrating13 years of the Geriatric Social Work Initiative, and numerous education sessions. Review the engaging Kick-Off panel PowerPoint on the website.
This CBS article compares Democrats’ and Republicans’ stance on retirement. Despite their differences, both parties agree that retirement is an important issue.
Where do the presidential candidates stand on long-term care policies? This Forbes article outlines each candidate’s position on healthcare and budgetary issues, and how they would impact long-term care.
The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) is now accepting applications to write questions for the social work licensure exams. The application deadline is December 31, 2012.
In recognition of 13 years of the Geriatric Social Work Initiative (GSWI) programs, we have listed presentations by GSWI participants on the Gero-Ed Track website. If you are interested in learning more about their presentations at APM, review the list of GSWI Sessions.
Gero social work is a dynamic discipline. This Social Work Today article discusses why a family systems approach is crucial in end-of-life care for persons with addiction. For more on older adults and addictions, be sure to attend the Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off at APM which will explore the topic in more detail.
This year’s Gero-Ed Track will feature the Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off panel addressing older adults and addiction, the AGESW reception, in addition to educational sessions and stakeholder meetings. Also be sure to check out the CSWE Film Festival which will showcase 12 films, including several on aging.
The American Society on Aging (ASA) is offering a Graduate Student Research Award. Awardees will earn a year-long ASA membership, $500 honorarium, and will be honored at the ASA annual meeting. The deadline is October 5.
This MPR article discusses the need for home health workers and the challenges they face as a workforce. It will be increasingly important for social workers to work across disciplines, including with the direct care workforce, in order to best serve older adults.
Congratulations to Blair Karp, Jennifer McCullough, and Megan McDonough who have been selected to receive the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund’s Student Travel Scholarships, including $500 for travel expenses to CSWE’s Annual Program Meeting (APM) and a complimentary APM registration. To learn more about the awardees, visit the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund Web page. Please also consider supporting future awards by making a contribution to the fund.
The August issue marks the conclusion of our Aging Times e-newsletter as we shift our focus to other activities. For periodic updates, including those regarding student funding, email us to sign up for our E-mail List.
Increasingly many adults are reaching old age with HIV, challenging our health care system to provide adequate care for those with HIV and for their peers at risk of contracting it. This LA Times article discusses how the process of aging can complicate effective HIV care.
The Gero-Ed Center, in partnership with the National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, was awarded funding from RRF to implement the Aging Network Workforce Competencies Project. For more information, see a recent press release.
A recent Institute of Medicine Report calls for a better trained workforce to treat mental health and substance abuse among older adults and highlights the work of the Gero-Ed Center’s MAC Project. For more on this topic, attend the Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off panel event at APM that will examine older adults and addictions.
This CNN blog article discusses a recent Institute of Medicine Report that calls for a better trained workforce to treat mental health and substance abuse among older adults. For more on this topic, attend the Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off panel event at APM that will discuss older adults and addictions.
August will be the last issue of the Aging Times newsletter. To stay connected to Gero-Ed Center news and events, please join our e-mail list for periodic updates. E-mail us at gero-edcenter@cswe.org to sign up.
Substance abuse is increasingly recognized as an issue that older adults face. This Social Work Today article describes the recent rise in substance abuse among older adults. Be sure to attend this year’s Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off event during APM which will highlight addictions facing older adults.
The June issue of Aging Times explores the role of gerontological social workers in the criminal justice system and provides a plethora of resources. Read more in this Social Work Today article, which discusses the challenges of transitioning out of the criminal justice system as an older adult.
Interested in aging and attending APM? You could win $500 for travel expenses to the 2012 CSWE APM and a complimentary APM registration. Applications are due from faculty nominators for the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund’s Student Travel Scholarships by Monday, July 2, 2012, at 11:59 pm ET.
The CSWE Gero-Ed Center is now accepting applications for the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund’s Student Travel Scholarships from faculty nominators until Monday, July 2, 2012, at 11:59 pm ET. Three student awardees will win $500 for travel expenses to the 2012 CSWE APM and a complimentary APM registration.
A plethora of terminology exists to describe older adults. Find out which terms aging experts prefer in this NY Times blog article.
This Washington Post article highlights the work of a Cornell Professor who diverged from researching issues that older adults face and began the Legacy Project as a way to learn about happiness from them.
The John A. Hartford Foundation’s first-ever public poll found strong support for geriatric education. Visit the Hartford website for more information including complete results and a poll memo by Lake Research Partners.
We are seeking photos and quotes from current and previous HGSWI participants to use in a celebratory slideshow that will be shown at the GSA and CSWE conferences.
Are you a student interested in aging and attending APM? The CSWE Gero-Ed Center is pleased to accept nominations for the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund’s Student Travel Scholarships.
The CSWE Gero-Ed Center is pleased to accept nominations for the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund’s Student Travel Scholarships. Three student awardees will win $500 for travel expenses to the 2012 CSWE APM and a complimentary APM registration. Applications are due from faculty nominators by Monday, July 2 at 11:59 pm ET.
Baby Boomers have transformed each stage of life over the generations and will continue to challenge established institutions as they age, according to expert speakers at the Aging in America conference and detailed in this Huffington Post article.
The April issue of Aging Times includes tips for peaking student interest in gero social work through activities such as experiential learning and field placements with older adults.
CSWE is pleased to award Patricia Volland the CSWE Distinguished Recent Contributions in Social Work Education Award for her vision and leadership in social work education, policy, and research to address the critical shortage of gero-competent social workers.
A recent New York Times article describes how the prison system is enlisting younger inmates to care for older inmates with dementia, in some instances transforming their own attitudes and beliefs while also transforming our conventional conception of caregiving.
Careers in Aging Week (CIAW) is going on now through April 7. We hope that you are organizing events on your camps such as panel discussions, film screenings, poster sessions, or career fairs. A CIAW toolkit produced through the Geriatric Social Work Initiative can help you with these activities.
To accommodate the rapidly aging population, training programs need to prepare all professionals in a coordinated manner. This Bakersfield Californian article, describes the details of interconnected training.
In honor of National Professional Social Work Month, the Eldercare Workforce Alliance (EWA) highlights the significance of social workers within the eldercare workforce. Read their Press Release to learn more.
In an article featured in The Atlantic, two Gerontologists discuss how their life experiences and relationships—not necessarily their academic paths—led them to pursue careers in gerontology.
Learn more about opportunities in aging offered by AGESW, the Society for the Study of Social Problems, and the EPA.
For the latest on topics in aging, check out our Student News page, which is updated regularly with informative and interesting news in aging!
In an increasingly globalized world, families and support networks may be geographically dispersed. This MSNBC article discusses the challenges of caring for older adults from afar.
Gerontological social work matters more than ever before. The United States is currently undergoing an unprecedented population shift. The 65+ population is expected to increase 147% between 2000 and 2050 (Census, 2007).
The February issue of Aging Times discusses the importance of cultural competence when working with older adult immigrants and refugees.
The Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work’s (AGESW) Pre-Dissertation Initiative will support dissertation and career development in gerontological social work research and education for doctoral students who have completed the 1st year of studies. The application deadline is May 1, 2012.
Careers in Aging Week (CIAW) will take place from April 1–7, 2012. Consider organizing a panel discussion, film screening, poster session, or career fair. A CIAW toolkit produced through the Geriatric Social Work Initiative can help you plan activities.
Comforted by the notion of one day utilizing their Social Security and Medicare benefits, many Americans do not save enough for their retirement. The reality is that benefits like Social Security and Medicare are less protective than many may envision, according to this Huffington Post article.
It is critical to be aware of ways that elders may be at risk for fraud and abuse. Learn about scams targeting elders through this NCOA article and explore NCOA’s Economic Security page for further ways to safeguard the well-being of older adults in our communities.
It’s time to submit your aging-related proposal to the CSWE 58th Annual Program Meeting, which will be held in Washington, DC from November 9–12, 2012.
Learn more about opportunities in aging offered by the National Council on Aging and AGESW.
At 102, Hedda Bolgar is “too busy to die”. Read about her unstoppable zest for life and commitment to helping others in this LA Times article .
This New York Times interview explores how the Baby Boom generation’s reinvention of retirement and aging inspires innovative housing options. For more on this topic, be sure to read the December issue of Aging Times, which highlights aging-friendly communities.
The first federally-funded national project to examine LGBT aging and health reveals significant health disparities impacting LGBT older adults as they age, in a landmark report. The executive summary and the full report can also be found at CaringAndAging.org.
Audience Choice Award voters selected Grandmother to Grandmother: New York to Tanzania as the winner of the 2nd annual Audience Choice Award of the Gero-Ed Film Festival.
Learn more about opportunities in aging offered by the National Council on Aging and the National Institute on Aging.
PowerPoints for the Kick-Off and Gero-Ed Center panels on curriculum strategies and field/classroom integration are now available on the Gero-Ed Track Web page.
Think lip syncing to current music is just for youth? Think again! A Michigan retirement community teams up with Grand Valley State students to produce an incredible lip sync video.
Geriatric social work needs you! The Hartford Foundation GSWI Update Letter provides a status update of the GSWI programs and asks you to keep the gero infusion/ specialization momentum going in social work education. Please read the letter and do your part. Thank you.
Prior to the 1960s, the concept of “retirement” did not exist. This NPR article explores how economic and social changes led to the inception of retirement as a period of leisure for older adults in the U.S..
The October issue of Aging Times examines the unique set of skills and knowledge that social workers offer as care coordinators. To learn more about how this may impact your career as a gerontological social worker, read this month’s issue of Aging Times.
All too often individuals living in poverty are merely a number. This Associated Press article gives a face to several people living in poverty, including older adults.
The Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund for Student Support will honor the life, legacy, and commitment to social work students of Ashley Brooks-Danso, who died in June 2011, by supporting students with scholarship and stipend opportunities. Learn more about the Fund and how you can contribute.
Learn more about opportunities in aging offered by LeadingAge, the National Institute on Aging, and the American Cancer Society.
This NPR article discusses the recent publication of one woman’s book which chronicles how she dealt with her mother’s death in a culture where she perceives grief to be the “last taboo”.
The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) is now accepting applications to write questions for the social work licensure examinations.The deadline to apply is December 31, 2011.
The Gero-Ed Track at CSWE's 2011 Annual Program Meeting features several special events including the Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off with keynote speaker Deborah Amdur from the Department of Veterans Affairs and the AGESW Reception featuring Atlanta’s first senior pro dance team. More information can be found on the Gero-Ed Track Web page.
For many older adults living in isolation, social workers are their “unsung heroes”. This Huffington Post article describes how social workers connect older adults to services and thus bring vitality to their lives.
Learn more about opportunities in aging offered by the Gerontological Society of America, CSWE, and the National Institute on Aging.
If you’ve recently completed a summer internship, you might be surprised to find that internships are increasingly being filled by older adults. This MSNBC article describes the presence of older adults in the internship workforce and this Chicago Tribune article discusses the utility of retooled careers in later life.
This year’s Gero-Ed Film Festival will take place from October 28-29, 2011. See the Film Festival flyer (PDF) for a list of instructional and artistic films to be shown at this year’s festival.
A focus on the end-of-life can cause some hospices to withhold care, according to this Bloomberg article. For a more in-depth look at the importance of social work for end-of-life care, read the August issue of Aging Times which features two powerful articles on the topic.
Many thanks to the sponsors of the 2011 Gero-Ed Track, the John A. Hartford Foundation, IGSW, and AGESW for their support of the Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off and other special events.
This New Social Worker article informs social workers about the many facets of care coordination, including why it is key to improving the delivery of care and treatment in a quality, cost-effective, and innovative manner.
A Chicago Tribune article discusses Dominican University’s social work program and its preparation of gero competent students, and a Seattle Times article describes Dominican’s field placement that allows a student to live in a retirement community and highlights a friendship between a student and senior resident.
Two recent articles highlight Dominican University’s social work program and its preparation of geriatric social workers (Chicago Tribune article) and its unique internship program through which students live in a retirement community to gain insight into the life and operations there (Seattle Times article).
This New York Times article stresses the importance of recognizing the shortcomings of unrealistic expectations for older adults and strengthening infrastructure so older adults can thrive.
Hearing impairment has a complex effect on social interactions for older adults. In this Social Work Today article, a social worker provides practical tips for assisting older adults with hearing impairment.
Learn more about opportunities in aging offered by the Gerontological Society of America.
Did you know that this year the Gero-Ed Track at CSWE’s Annual Program Meeting will highlight aging and poverty? Read the June issue of Aging Times to learn about student and faculty perspectives on this important issue.
Think you have the economic know-how to sustain the Social Security system into the future? Play this Social Security Game to find out!
Ask your Senators to support and cosponsor the Caring for an Aging America Act (S. 1095). If enacted, the bill will attract health professionals to the field of geriatrics and gerontology by providing loan repayment opportunities in exchange for work in underserved areas.
GRACE, an in-home care model, enhances the health and quality of life of lower income older adults while reducing emergency visits and hospital admission rates.
Dr. Nancy Hooyman, Co-Principal Investigator of the Gero-Ed Center, has been selected as a fellow of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, joining some of the nation’s most distinguished social work faculty and practitioners. Read Dr. Hooyman's biography for more information about her work.
Check out the latest CSWE public policy resources, including the Guide to Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (CSWE members-only) and the Spring 2011 Update, Federal Funding Opportunities (CSWE members-only). The Eldercare Workforce Alliance, of which CSWE is a member, also recently updated its website with new advocacy materials.
Click here to learn about current funding and educational opportunities in aging.
The U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) has announced the Connecting Generations Video Challenge in celebration of Older Americans Month 2011.
Improved health has increased the sexual activity of some older adults, putting them at greater risk for sexually transmitted diseases. However, increased Medicare coverage for testing could help thwart STDs in seniors, according to this ABC article.
Read about what a career in aging can offer: the April issue of Aging Times features three articles on diverse career options in aging.
How can we control health and other social service costs through integrated models of care while improving results for older Americans? How can we expand the role of geriatric social work in promoting the health of all older adults?
Careers in Aging Week is here! There is still time to plan events such as discussion sessions and film screenings. See the free 2011 Geriatric Social Work & Careers in Aging Week Toolkit for more ideas.
The world population is on the eve of an important change that will, for the first time in history, result in more adults over age 65 than children under four. View the Population Reference Bureau’s World Population Aging Clocks.
Idealist.org currently features several summer internship and international experiences in aging. See the Senior and Retirement search results for relevant opportunities.
Careers in Aging Week is quickly approaching (April 10-16,2011)! Use the free 2011 Geriatric Social Work & Careers in Aging Week Toolkit to start planning panels, poster sessions, career fairs, and film screenings today!
Since January 2007, the CSWE Gero-Ed Center Fund has received contributions from nearly 90 individuals, including several new or renewed contributions since December. This Fund allows us to support and sustain gero changes nationwide and advocate for the eldercare workforce.
End-of-life discussions must be culturally sensitive, according to this New York Times article. In Navajo culture, which avoids discussions of death, elders are eased into end-of-life dialogues by signing a Navajo poem.
Results of a 2005 National Association of Social Workers (NASW) survey of licensed members noted that only 9% of respondents identified aging as their field of practice, with less than 5% specifically trained in gerontological social work. Although nearly 75% of social work graduates work in some capacity with older adults and their families, few have been adequately prepared to do so.
Use the free 2011 Geriatric Social Work & Careers in Aging Week Toolkit to plan panels, poster sessions, career fairs, or film screenings during Careers in Aging Week, April 10-16, 2011.
This interactive quiz is a helpful tool to test your knowledge about the reality of aging.
World War II Veterans in California are committing suicide at almost four times the rate of individuals the same age with no military service. This New America Media article examines how the trauma of war, experienced much earlier in life, can lead to substance abuse and suicide. Also read about social work with veterans in the February issue of Aging Times.
Help us determine how the Gero-Ed Center’s e-newsletter, Aging Times, can better fit your needs by taking this short Reader Survey. Participants are eligible to win one of three $20 Amazon gift cards!
AGESW is offering a Pre-Dissertation Initiative opportunity for doctoral students that will provide dissertation support and career development in gerontological social work research and education. The application deadline is May 1, 2011.
Looking to broaden the audience for your aging-related film or documentary? Submit your film to the 6th Annual Gero-Ed Film Festival held at CSWE's Annual Program Meeting in Atlanta, GA from October 27–31, 2011.
Despite higher rates of depression due to social isolation and poverty, ethnic elders are often the last to be reached by mental health professionals. In this New America Media article, teletherapy is offered as an innovative way to reach depressed elders in the comfort of their own homes.
Nonprofits nationwide are recruiting students to teach older adults how to utilize technology to stay active and connected with their communities, according to this Wall Street Journal article.
Now you can rent or own the films shown at the 5th Annual Gero-Ed Film Festival, including Gen Silent, an award winning documentary on LGBT aging and the 2010 recipient of the Audience Choice Award. Save 10% on your Gen Silent rental if you mention "CSWE discount." Download the Film Festival schedule to learn about the films and Purchasing Information for details on how to order.
Only two weeks remain to submit your aging-related proposal to the 2011 CSWE Annual Program Meeting (APM) Gero-Ed Track! We especially encourage abstract submissions for CEU eligible sessions, which include panels, workshops, think tanks, and more.
Caregiving can have a physical and emotional toll. Jill Kagan, chair of the National Respite Coalition calls for a respite infrastructure that ends duplication and increases coordination in this New York Times blog posting.
For many families, it takes a crisis to initiate end-of-life discussions. This Denver Post article stresses the importance of older adults discussing their end-of-life wishes openly and frankly before a crisis so that loved ones can respect their decisions. This PBS Frontline video visually reinforces the need for an end-of-life plan and also suggests the need for social workers in the ICU.
The Center for Retirement Research, NIA, and the Students in Service Awards program are currently offering funding opportunities for students.
In "Campus Kitchen," Amenah Arthur, a St. Louis University student, recounts her transformative experience delivering meals to seniors through the BEL program.
Elder-care mediators are increasingly being drawn upon to enable families to come to agreement on end-of-life decisions for aging parents. This Washington Post article discusses the benefits of mediation in building consensus among quarreling families.
Gen Silent, an award winning documentary on LGBT aging, is the 2010 recipient of the Gero-Ed Film Festival's Audience Choice Award. The 60-minute documentary personalizes LGBT elders who return to the closet for fear of discrimination in long-term care or health care settings.
Wii Fit is beneficial for older adults, according to this New York Times article. Affordable and convenient, it offers exercise and balance training to those who might otherwise forgo exercise.
We extend our gratitude to everyone who supported the CSWE Gero-Ed Center Fund when renewing your memberships. This Fund allows us to support and sustain gero changes nationwide and advocate for the eldercare workforce.
The National Center on Senior Transportation is offering a scholarship opportunity for currently enrolled graduate students to conduct a project that relates to older adult transportation. The deadline is Tuesday, November 30, 2010.
The CSWE Gero Ed Center would like to thank social workers Anissa Rogers (University of Portland) and Marla Berg-Weger (St. Louis University) for advocating for the eldercare workforce on October 21 as part of the Eldercare Workforce Alliance's Hill Day.
Budget cuts have led to streamlining of many meals programs for homebound seniors, leaving them without essential nourishment, according to this New York Times article. Help to reverse this trend this holiday season by helping your local food program.
These video diaries produced by Columbia University School of Journalism students offer intimate portraits into the lives of six elders, all living in different settings. Social workers’ familiarity with each setting is crucial to providing the best care and highest quality of life possible.
Differing perceptions of Social Security between young and old are often colored by national debates. This New America Media article highlights the importance of changing public perceptions toward the Social Security Program.
Debra Fromm Faria and Cheryl Waites have received 2010 HPPAE Leadership Awards. Congratulations to both! Learn more here.
Think aging means giving up the energy and vitality of your youth? Think again! For the Young @ Heart chorus members, old age has given them the opportunity to reinvent themselves through the arts. Their performances surely make one reconsider what it means to age!
The Institute for Geriatric Social Work (IGSW) offers an extensive catalog of affordable, convenient, and flexible online courses. IGSW is offering Gero-Ed Center colleagues an exclusive 10% discount on all stand-alone online courses through December 31. Register by December 31, 2010 using discount code CSWE10.
The CSWE Gero Ed Center would like to thank social workers Sandy Butler (University of Maine), Denise Gammonley (University of Central Florida), Christine Gessner (Evangelical Community Hospital), and Marilyn Luptak (University of Utah) for advocating for the eldercare workforce on September 21 as part of the Eldercare Workforce Alliance's Hill Day.
Keep up to date with the latest in the aging field and join the broader conversation around health, health care, and health policy! Read and subscribe to the Hartford Foundation blog, health AGEnda.
As individuals age, they often look to the inefficient eldercare system for support. This New York Times blog article sheds light on the necessity of reconfiguring eldercare, particularly for LGBT elders. Visit the 2010 Gero-Ed Track website and the June 2010 Issue of Aging Times to learn what the Gero-Ed Center is doing to highlight this issue.
The author of The elderly aren't babies, so why talk to them that way? explains that Elderspeak, a way of speaking to older adults that involves a singsong tone, slower speech, and a limited vocabulary, is patronizing and unfortunately all too common.
Are you an author of a generalist social work textbook? The CSWE Gero-Ed Center is holding a meeting for authors of generalist social work textbooks during CSWE's Annual Program Meeting in Portland, OR to share user-friendly strategies and resources for enhancing aging content in textbooks. The meeting will be held Friday, October 15th from 3:30-5:00 pm in the Oregon Convention Center. RSVP to gero-edcenter@cswe.org if you plan to attend.
Looking for help writing an abstract, creating a dynamic presentation, developing a powerful "elevator speech," or finding a photo to use on your poster? BandwidthOnline.org, the communications resource from the Hartford Foundation, has lots of tools and resources to get you on your way with these and many other communications activities. Get ready for your Fall presentations with all that BandwidthOnline.org has to offer.
The schedule for the Gero-Ed Film Festival, held at CSWE's 2010 APM in Portland, OR from October 14-17, is now posted online. Plan your visit--and don't forget to check out our other Gero-Ed Track events!
Learn more about the most recent opportunities available to students, including loan repayment, dissertation awards, student awards, and fellowship programs.
The National Institute on Aging (NIA) announced the reissuance of a Funding Opportunity Announcement that provides dissertation awards (R36) in all areas of research within NIAs mandate to increase diversity of the research workforce on research on aging and aging-related health conditions.
The CSWE Gero-Ed Center is pleased to announce that 10 programs have been funded for the Cycle 2 BSW Experiential Learning Program, 2010-2012.
The Feature Film at the 2010 Gero-Ed Film Festival, held at CSWE's 2010 APM in Portland, OR from October 14-17, will be Ten More Good Years, a documentary on the lives of four LGBT elders. Attend the showing and meet the director!
From October 14-17, the Gero-Ed Track at CSWE's 2010 APM in Portland, OR will feature a variety of special events, including a Hot Topic Panel on innovating and sustaining services for LGBT elders, a panel on engaging students in gero social work, and a kick-off speech with renowned expert Karen I. Frederikson-Goldsen.
Pulitzer Prize winning author Robert Butler, who coined the term "ageism," died recently at the age of 83. Working until three days before his death, his contributions to the field of aging are profound. Learn more about his life and work in this New York Times article.
June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month! Browse the Gero-Ed Center's list of LGBT and Aging curricular resources and make plans to attend CSWE's 2010 APM in Portland to see Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen kickoff the Gero-Ed Track with a talk on Enhancing and Sustaining Innovative Services for LGBT Elders.
Karen I. Frederiksen-Goldsen will jumpstart the Gero-Ed Track at CSWE's 2010 Annual Program Meeting in Portland with a talk on this year's theme: Enhancing and Sustaining Innovative Services for LGBT Elders. Learn more about the speaker and the Gero-Ed Track.
Apply for the Cycle 2 BSW Experiential Learning (BEL) Program! The RFP, FAQ, a sample application, and a link to request the online application are posted on the BEL Program page. Applications are due April 23, 2010; request an application by April 16!
Applications for Cycle 2 of the BEL Program are due Friday, April 23. Download application materials and apply online!
In celebration of Careers in Aging Week, April's Aging Times featured articles from social work practitioners on how their careers involve older adults. Yours could too!
President Obama's oldest fan, social worker Ella Mae Johnson, recently passed away at age 106. Read about her journey through over a century of history to Inauguration Day 2009 (NPR).
Interested in receiving valuable training in research methods, writing for publication, seeking dissertation funding and being socialized into the academic gerontological social work family? Apply for AGESW's new Gerontological Social Work Pre-Dissertation Initiative! Download this PDF for more information and how to apply.
Nancy Hooyman argues for increased collaboration among social workers and direct-care workers in this column in Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute's blog.
Do you have an aging related film or documentary? Submit it to the Gero-Ed Film Festival before June 18, 2010 to have your film included in this annual event.
As National Social Work Month honors social workers making a difference in their communities, the CSWE Gero-Ed Center recognizes the leaders of the Master's Advanced Curriculum (MAC) Project for their work in preparing social workers for practice with older adults in the fields of health, mental health, and aging.
In this New York Times article, Marc Agronin describes how he confronted his own ageism and the importance of avoiding a myopic view of aging.
The Eldercare Workforce Alliance published a letter to the editor in the February 21, 2010 edition of the New York Times about the shortage of medical professionals trained to work with older adults.
The Kaiser Family Foundation has announced its its Fourth Annual Student Essay Contest. Top prize is $1,000 for an essay discussing the future of health policy. The deadline for submission is March 8, 2010. Read on for details and rules!
This list of the most powerful octogenarians --and nonagenarians and one centenarian--in America was compiled by Slate magazine. See what these amazing individuals have accomplished in 2009!
Aging must be part of required texts just as it must be embedded in social work curricula to prepare gerontologically competent social workers.
Linking gerontological competencies to the 2008 EPAS, this new Guide (PDF) provides a wealth of resources, including class exercises, assessments, and evidence-based practice articles, to enhance your curriculum with gero practice behaviors. Learn more at our Competencies page!
The Gero-Ed Track at CSWE's 2009 Annual Program Meeting in San Antonio featured numerous informative events. Review the presentation materials for sessions you missed at the Gero-Ed Track page!
Are you a doctoral student planning to move into a faculty position in the near future? Relevant for anyone who is interested in learning how to embed gerontological competencies and content into your teaching, the resources from the Doctoral Student Training presented by Nancy Hooyman at CSWE's 2009 APM are available by request. E-mail gero-edcenter@cswe.org to request your copy.
The CSWE Gero-Ed Center congratulates Ball State University (BSW program), Skidmore College (BSW program), and University of Nebraska at Omaha (BSW/MSW program), recipients of the 2009 Best Practice Awards.
The Fourth Annual Gero-Ed Film Festival at CSWE’s 2009 APM in San Antonio will feature a variety of educational films, including products of the MAC Project's Gero Innovations Grant and the award-winning documentary The Way We Get By. Download the Film Festival schedule (PDF) to plan your attendance!
Michelle Chiu, an intern at the John A. Hartford Foundation, answers this question and discusses recruiting family members to the aging field in her post on health AGEnda, the Hartford Foundation blog. (Blog Post)
Geriatricians hope that programs allowing students to experience life in nursing homes, like one designed and piloted by Marilyn Gugliucci at the University of New England, will generate interest in working with older adults, "one of the most underrepresented fields in medicine."
Students who sign up to volunteer at least 6 hours at CSWE’s 2009 APM in San Antonio receive a complimentary registration. Sign up by September 18 and plan to attend events like the Finding a Job: Aging Fields in High Demand panel!
Sixteen programs were awarded grants up to $10,000 through the Specialized Gerontology Program to create a minor, area of emphasis, certificate, specialization, or concentration in gerontological social work. Congratulations! Read more in the CSWE Press Release.
The Hartford Doctoral Fellows Program prepares the next generation of social-work innovators and leaders for faculty positions in CSWE-accredited institutions. If you're looking to fill such a position, please give serious consideration to this talented pool of individuals. Curriculum vitae for the seventeen 2009 Hartford Doctoral Fellows are now available online.
“Aging and the Arts.” Generations: Spring 2006. http://www.generationsjournal.org/generations/gen30-1/ toc.cfm.
Thank you to everyone who supported the CSWE Gero-Ed Center Fund when renewing your memberships this year. This Fund allows us to support our annual Best Practice Awards at APM for excellence in gerontological infusion.
The Association of Social Work Boards is now recruiting for the class of 2010 item writers for the ASWB examinations. The CSWE Gero-Ed Center is encouraging applications from item writers who will include questions related to gerontological social work practice. JoAnn Damron-Rodriguez, an item writer in 2007, would be willing to provide background information to other gero practitioners and faculty who are selected to write questions.