Are you an author of a generalist social work textbook? The CSWE Gero-Ed Center is holding a meeting for authors of generalist social work textbooks during CSWE’s Annual Program Meeting in Portland, OR . The purpose of this meeting is to disseminate information about our Textbook Project and discuss user-friendly strategies and resources for enhancing aging content in textbooks. The meeting will be held Friday, October 15th from 3:30 – 5:00 pm in the Oregon Convention Center.
The underlying rationale of our Textbook Project is based on the workforce imperative to increase the number of social workers with the competencies to work with older adults and their families. A 2006 NASW report showed that only 9% of a sample of licensed NASW members identified aging as their specific field of practice with fewer than 5% specifically trained in gerontological social work. However, nearly 75% of this sample worked in some capacity with older adults. Since 2001, the Gero-Ed Center has funded strategies to infuse aging content in required social work courses. Through our work with over 200 programs nationally, we have become increasingly aware that aging content in generalist textbooks is needed to support these curriculum changes.
You may already include aging content in your text. But given the rapidly changing nature of the field, you may nevertheless welcome additional up to date resources to assist you with future revisions. As a social work textbook author, you can play a central role in ensuring that all graduates are prepared for our rapidly aging society.
Light refreshments will be served, and each attendee will receive a packet of resources on aging for your future editions. Please RSVP to if you plan to attend this meeting.