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Workforce Development

The Gero-Ed Center is involved in several initiatives focusing on ensuring a competent gerontological social work workforce. The Center has received funding for the following two projects to prepare gerontological social workers for the Aging Network:

  • Aging Network Workforce Competencies (ANWC) Project

    Funded by the Retirement Research Foundation
    Through focus groups, surveys, and teleconferences, the ANWC Project evaluated competencies use among Area Agencies in Aging (AAAs) nationwide in four domains (gerontology, cultural competence, person-centered care, participant-direction) and identified educational background and professional training of AAA staff in social work-oriented positions. It also documented the training needs of both AAA administrators and staff.

The shortage of geriatric social workers has been extensively documented and is the underlying impetus for the following workforce development initiatives in which the Center participates:

  • Eldercare Workforce Alliance (EWA)

    CSWE is an active member of the Eldercare Workforce Alliance, which works to ensure an adequate workforce of professionals, direct care workers, and caregivers for our nation’s older adults.

Also visit the Reports and Fact Sheets and Related Websites pages for more workforce development information.