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Aging Network Workforce Competencies Project

The ANWC Project was funded by the Retirement Research Association for 18 months, July 2012 - December 2013, and the Gero-Ed Center collaborated with the National Association for Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) and the National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services (NRCPDS) on the project. The initiative was framed within the context of multiple national initiatives that are developing, implementing, and measuring competencies for the long-term services and supports (LTSS) workforce. Extensive work is being conducted at the national level. Most notably, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) is driving a shift towards a competency-based approach to workforce development, education, and training within the Aging Network.

The ANWC Project’s objectives were to:

  1. Evaluate the extent to which individuals who hold social work-oriented positions (e.g., options counselors, case managers, intake specialists, and support brokers) utilize competencies in the following four domains: gerontology, cultural competence, person-centered care, and participant-direction.
  2. Identify the educational background and professional training of individuals in social work-oriented positions. 
  3. Document the training needs of administrators and individuals in direct service positions related to a competency-based approach in the areas of gerontology, cultural competence, person-centered care, and participant-direction.

To attain these objectives, Project staff conducted focus groups of selected AAA leaders and members of the n4a Executive Committee, disseminated an electronic survey to AAA directors and staff in social work positions (read the survey results), held teleconferences with AAA directors to obtain their interpretation of the data, and disseminated a Research Brief summarizing survey findings.
For further information, review the following documents: