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Teaching Tools

WomenWearingColorfulBathingCaps.JPGThe Gero-Ed Center is the primary source for quality gerontological competency-based curriculum resources designed by faculty and students nationwide who have participated in Hartford curriculum development programs.

This Teaching Tools section encompasses:

  • Teaching Infusion Resources – search for bibliographies, case studies, teaching modules, syllabi, and other materials by resource type, generalist or advanced level, practice behavior, or topic area.
  • Practice Innovations – review exciting advances in social work practice with older adults, including transitional care and intervention models.
  • Media Resources – view media resources that will assist you in teaching about gerontological issues within required social work courses.
  • Gero Competencies – download the Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide, which includes a listing of class exercises, assignments, and research articles; review competencies guidelines and scales; and read the history of the gero competencies.