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Media Resources

Boston College Talks Aging

The Hartford Center of Excellence in Geriatric Social Work at Boston College, in conjunction with the University Institute on Aging at Boston College, have produced a series of short talks on an array of aging issues. Module topics include: social isolation, social and productive engagement, and male survivors of sexual abuse. The fourth module, scheduled to be released this summer, will cover dementia, depression, and delirium. Click here to access the modules.

CSWE Study Guides for Aging-Related Films

CSWE has developed free study guides to assist social work educators and students who wish to use films from the CSWE film festivals in their classrooms. Click here to access the film study guides, including several aging-related guides. Visit “CSWE Festival Films by Topic” to see clips from the aging-related festival films, or to order films featured in the guides.

Teaching Gero Videos

The Teaching Gero Videos are composite dramatizations of actual teaching situations recorded by social work faculty members nationwide. The John A. Hartford Foundation funded these videos for use during the Hartford Scholars Annual Teaching Institute at Stanford University. Five teaching vignettes were selected that may provide assistance in teaching about gerontological issues within required social work courses. Click here to access the vignettes.