Youth, Aging, and the Life Course Graduate Student Paper Award Competition
The Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) is sponsoring the annual Youth, Aging, and the Life Course Division Graduate Student Paper Award Competition. Papers should contribute to the sociology of youth, aging, or the life course. The winner will receive a monetary prize and a one-year student membership in SSSP among other prizes. The submission deadline is May 15, 2011.
Rachel Carson Sense of Wonder Contest
The U.S. EPA, Generations United, the Dance Exchange, National Center for Creative Aging, and the Rachel Carson Council, Inc., announce a poetry, essay, photo, and dance contest to express sentiments toward nature. Entries must be from a team of two or more persons, a young person and an older person. The submission deadline is June 10, 2011. Click here to learn more. currently features several summer internship and international experiences in aging.See the Senior and Retirement search results for relevant opportunities.