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Upcoming Webinar: Patient Centered Medical Homes


The Gero-Ed Center will host a repeat of the webinar, Patient Centered Medical Homes: Opportunities for Social Workers, on April 28, 2015, at 1:00 pm ET! The patient centered medical home (PCMH) is a promising primary care model that aims to offer high-quality health care that is comprehensive, coordinated accessible, and patient centered through a physician-led, team-based approach. Since this model emphasizes viewing the patient as a whole person with integrated medical and social needs, social workers can play a vital role on the care team. In this webinar Anne Millheiser, Manager of Social Work Services at Rush University Medical Center, will explore the opportunities for social workers in PCMHs and how social work educators can prepare students for these roles. This webinar is part of ongoing series on opportunities for social workers related to the ACA.