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Opportunities in Aging


AGESW Pre-Dissertation Initiative
The Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work Pre-Dissertation Initiative will provide support for a cohort of ten doctoral students who have completed the first year of doctoral studies. The goal of this program is to support dissertation and career development in gerontological social work research and education. The application deadline is May 1, 2012.

Society for the Study of Social Problems
Papers submitted to the Youth, Aging, and the Life Course Division Graduate Student Paper Award Competition should contribute broadly to the sociology of youth, the sociology of aging, or the sociology of the life course. The winner will receive a monetary prize, student membership in SSSP for one year, 2012 conference registration, and a complimentary ticket to the 2012 SSSP awards banquet in Denver, CO, where the award will be made. The deadline is May 5, 2012.

EPA Rachel Carson Sense of Water Contest
The U.S. EPA, Generations United, the Dance Exchange, Rachel Carson Council, Inc., and the National Center for Creative Aging announce a poetry, essay, photo and dance contest. Entries must be from a team of two or more persons—a young person and an older person. The deadline for entries is June 1, 2012.