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Social Work Intervention in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Teaching Module

This 2-to-3 hour teaching module assumes basic knowledge of substance abuse. Focusing on issues related to older adults, it includes: A PowerPoint presentation with narrative; lists and links for readings, resources, videos, and websites; class activities; case studies; as well as a screening and assessment tools exercise. The module offers an overview of geriatric addictions, prevalence and demographics, risk and protective factors, barriers to treatment, co-morbidities, brief protocols, identification of levels of care, awareness of ethnicity, and culturally sensitive practice. The module includes guidelines, awareness of the onset of addictions, and differentiation between dependence and abuse. Included are treatment protocols and intervention approaches such as: cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT); harm reduction therapy; group-based counseling; case management; family support; medical and psychiatric approaches; detoxification; inpatient rehabilitation; and residential, day, or outpatient treatment.

Competencies Addressed in This Module:

  1. Awareness of standardized assessment and diagnostic tools that are appropriate for use with older adults and substance abuse.
  2. Provision of social work case management to link elders and their families to resources and services, and ability to conduct long-term planning.
  3. Relating social work perspectives and related theories to practice with older adults.