Assignments/ Measurements
Advanced Aging Populations and Their Families Syllabus
The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies Part B of the multiple choice assignment on intervention to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.10(c)—Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. The course addresses both clinical assessment and policy/program issues.
Community Participation With Older People Assignment
This assignment for infusion in macro practice courses at the generalist level provides an option for students to focus on older adults within the context of other historically disadvantaged populations. With its strength-based empowerment approach, it encourages students to view older adults as active agents of community change and identify strategies to overcome barriers to their community action. The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) indicates this assignment can be used to measure student attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.5—Advance human rights and social and economic justice.
Community and Evaluation Practice Assignment
This is carefully conceptualized assignment (in-class presentation) that addresses macro and program evaluation issues, and provides students opportunities to address the intersection among various social locations, such as age, gender, ethnicity and culture. Students grade one another. The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this assignment can be used to measure student attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.8—Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services.
Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice (7th ed.)
The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this assignment to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.2—Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice.
Ethnogeriatrics Group Assignment
The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this comprehensive assignment to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.4—Engage diversity and difference in practice. It provides useful background information for both students and faculty.
Knowledge of Aging Quiz Class Exercise
The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this class exercise as supporting students’ attainment of Educational Policy 2.1.1: Identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly, and the Advanced Gero Practice Behavior: Assess and address values and biases regarding aging.
Older Adults in the Community or Organization Assignment
The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this assignment can be used to measure student attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.9—Respond to contexts that shape practice.
Advanced Perspectives on Older Adults and the Aging Family Syllabus
The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies the assignment Safety Checklist/Home Visit Interview (syllabus p. 7) to support students’ attainment of Educational Policies 2.1.3—Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments and 2.1.10(a)—Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities, and Advanced Gero Practice Behaviors: Relate concepts and theories of aging to social work practice (e.g., cohorts, normal aging, and life course perspective); Establish rapport and maintains effective working relationships with older adults and family members. It utilizes service learning and case studies as pedagogical techniques.
Research and Cultural Competence Assignment
The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this assignment can be used to measure student attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.6—Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research.
Social Work & Chronic Illness Care Assignment & Class Exercise
The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies class exercise Table 3, pp. 12–14 to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.10(c)-intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities and assignment Table 2, pp. 8–9 to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior2.1.10(d)-d)—evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Treatment Team Case Study
This case study can be used in required social work practice classes at the generalist level to illustrate assessment and intervention with a bereaved older adult who appears to be confused and deteriorating. The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this case study as one that can be used to measure student attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.7—Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment and 2.1.10(b)—Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.