Teaching Institute for Early Career Faculty
November 8, 2018, 8:00 am–6:00 pm
Dolphin, Walt Disney World Resort, Northern Hemisphere A-2/Fifth Level
The CSWE Teaching Institute for Early Career Faculty is designed for new faculty members with fewer than 3 years of teaching experience. The institute will address key elements of course and curriculum design, including strategies for working with adult learners; new strategies for teaching with technology; and how to navigate challenging classroom conversations on questions of racism, identity, and other social justice issues. See the full agenda here.
Registration Fee: $250 for members, $300 for nonmembers (meals included)
NOTE: Due to the interactive nature of this event, registration is limited to 100 participants (preregistration required).
Already registered for APM and want to register for the Teaching Institute? Click here to modify your existing registration.
Let's Talk About Learning
Dana Grossman Leeman, PhD, MSW
Provost Faculty Fellow for Online Education at Simmons University
Dr. Leeman is the provost faculty fellow for online education at Simmons College and was formerly an assistant professor with the Simmons School of Social Work. She joined the faculty at Simmons College in 1996 as an adjunct faculty member teaching a group social work course. Since then she has taught several social work courses, including social policies, human behavior, and social action, and became a full-time faculty member in 2007. Prior to becoming the provost faculty fellow for online education, she was the inaugural program director who launched SocialWork@Simmons and BehaviorAnalysis@Simmons; she went on to serve as associate dean for online and continuing education in the School of Social Work before moving on to her current position. Dr. Leeman is an experienced academic administrator with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Her skills and experience include professional mentoring, peer mentoring, brand protection, curriculum development, teaching, and public speaking.
Sustaining Classroom Conversations on Racism, Identity, and Our Mutual Humanity
Mohan Vinjamuri, PhD, LMSW
Assistant Professor at Lehman College (CUNY) Department of Social Work
Mohan Vinjamuri is an assistant professor in the Lehman College (CUNY) Department of Social Work. His research includes social work with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) populations, contemporary fatherhood, and pedagogical strategies for teaching evidence-based practice. He has published and presented on a number of topics related to LGBT populations, including families headed by gay fathers, LGBT adolescents and child welfare practice, and LGBT issues in social work education.
Steve Burghardt, PhD
Professor at Hunter College, City University of New York
Dr. Burghardt is a professor of community organizing who has developed models of practice based on the work of Paulo Freire. Burghardt has been co-chair of the school-wide Practice Lab With an Anti-Oppression Lens. His work as a teacher, executive coach, and organizer has focused on new leadership models, antiracism work, and, most recently, radical aging.
Linda Lausell Bryant, PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor at the NYU Silver School of Social Work
Dr. Lausell Bryant’s work at NYU focuses on building the capacity of social work students to exercise leadership in the human services sector to have a transformative impact on pressing social challenges. Her career spans 30 years in youth services in the private and public sectors. Dr. Lausell Bryant introduced the Adaptive Leadership framework into the graduate social work curriculum at NYU Silver, including the launch of an Adaptive Leadership Fellowship program and the introduction of new graduate and doctoral level courses grounded in the framework. Her most recent collaborative publication focuses on sustaining conversations on racism and identity and how these issues manifest in the classroom.
Kalima DeSuze, MSW
Assistant Director of Field Education at Hunter College, Silberman School of Social Work
Kalima DeSuze identifies as an AfroLatinx Black Feminist/Womanist Anti-Oppression Social Worker. Since her transition from the U.S. Army in 2004, her life’s work has been dedicated to addressing the systems of oppression that most directly affect her experiences, specifically, working to eradicate racism and gender-based violence. She has generously shared her talent and passion for grassroots organizing with Voices of Women Organizing Project, Service Women’s Action Network, Girls Education and Mentoring Services, Black Women’s Blueprint, and the Undoing Racism Internship Project. Recently, she has returned to direct practice with adolescents as a school social worker with Democracy PrepEndurance Middle School.
Teaching With Technology
Jonathan Singer, PhD, MSSW
Associate Professor at Loyola University Chicago School of Social Work; Founder and Host of the Social Work Podcast
Dr. Singer has a longstanding interest in the role of technology in social work practice. In the late 1990s he developed and piloted the first electronic medical record for Austin-Travis County MHMR and designed and developed the first websites for several social service organizations in Austin, TX. In 2007 he started the Social Work Podcast as a way to disseminate high-quality information to students and practitioners. The podcast won the first NASW Media Award for Best Website in 2012. In 2013 he founded the Google Plus community, Social Work and Technology. In 2015 he co-authored the white paper, Practice Innovations Through Technology in the Digital Age: A Grand Challenge for Social Work. He has given more than 100 academic and continuing education presentations nationally.
Nancy Smyth, PhD
Dean and Professor, University at Buffalo School of Social Work
Dr. Smyth has more than 30 years of experiencing developing and promoting the use of technology in social work practice and education. She expanded the social work profession’s Internet presence through the first school-sponsored social work podcast, the University of Buffalo’s inSocialWork, which now has listeners in more than 200 countries and all 50 states and more than 1.5 million downloads. She has also promoted the use of infographics to promote self-care (How to Flourish in Social Work) and a multimedia guide on the professional use of social media (Social Worker’s Guide to Social Media infographic and videos). Most recently, Smyth co-authored Teaching Social Work With Digital Technology (CSWE Press, 2018) with Melanie Sage and Laurel Hitchcock.
Melanie Sage, PhD, LICSW
Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo School of Social Work
Dr. Sage's research focuses on the intersection of technology and child welfare. She is currently exploring concepts of digital resilience and healthy digital relationships for youths in the foster care system. She has presented nationally and internationally on teaching social work with technology and is the current APM Technology Track chair, a co-chair of the Grand Challenge of Harnessing Technology for Social Good, and board member of the international nonprofit husITa, which focuses its efforts on the ethical and effective use of technology in the human services. She co-authored Teaching Social Work With Digital Technology (CSWE Press, 2018) with Nancy Smyth and Laurel Hitchcock.
Laurel Iverson Hitchcock, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor, University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Social Work
Dr. Hitchcock's research and pedagogical interests include social work education, technology and social media, social welfare history and public health social work. Her current research projects include an examination of simulation in social work education; the effectiveness of technology-infused assignments in social work courses; and the role of technology in social work education. In 2012, Dr. Hitchcock received the SAGE/CSWE Award for Innovative Teaching for her work incorporating social media into social work pedagogy. She blogs about teaching and learning in social work at www.laureliversonhitchcock.org.
Anita Duhl Glicken, MSW
Associate Dean and Professor Emerita at the University of Colorado School of Medicine; Executive Director, National Interprofessional Initiative on Oral Health
Anita is a seasoned leader and consultant with more than 30 years of administrative, research, and education experience. She began her career in medical education, building innovative curricula and strategies to prepare the future workforce for integrated practice and health-care transformation. She has served on several Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) advisory workgroups and was awarded a HRSA contract in 1996 to create an innovative series of national faculty development workshops to support clinicians as they transitioned into new academic roles. Anita has a wide and varied career that includes a long record of scholarship. She is the author of more than 50 peer-reviewed publications and regularly is an invited speaker and facilitator in the United States and abroad.