2018 CSWE Leadership Institute
Wednesday, November 7, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Hotel
Orlando, Florida
The CSWE Leadership Institute's preconference Annual Program Meeting event is for associate deans, Program Director Academy participants, and those interested in leadership development. There will be two 3-hour workshops with the following themes:
- The Current State of Graduate Enrollment in the U.S.: Understanding the Changes and Their Impact on MSW Programs
- Encouraging and Expanding Women’s Leadership in Social Work Education and Beyond (offered by CSWE's Council on Leadership Development)
Registration Fee: $50 for members, $100 for nonmembers
Already Registered for APM and want to register for the Leadership Institute? Click here to modify your existing registration.
Note: If you have an exhibitor registration and want to add pre- and/or post-conference sessions, please
email or call 888-978-3622 (U.S. toll free) or 703-449-6418 (International).
Workshop Descriptions
The Current State of Graduate Enrollment in the U.S.: Understanding the Changes and Their Impact on MSW Programs
- Develop understanding of the larger context related to graduate enrollment in the United States
- Examine changes and current trends in MSW enrollment and their impact on students, MSW programs and, ultimately, the profession
- Discuss the challenges brought about by these changes to develop better understanding and generation of ideas for addressing the challenges
1:00 pm–1:50 pm The Big Picture of Graduate Enrollment in the United States
2:00 pm–2:50 pm Current Trends in MSW Enrollment and Their Impact on Social Work Programs, Students and the Profession
3:00 pm–4:00 pm Navigating Critical Admission and Gatekeeping Challenges
Kathryn Kendall, senior assistant dean for enrollment and online programs at University of Buffalo
Michel Frendian, dean of enrollment management at Erikson Institute
Amber Mollhagen, assistant dean for admissions and student affairs, University of Houston
Richard Sigg, director for recruitment and enrollment at Case Western Reserve University
Encouraging and Expanding Women’s Leadership in Social Work Education and Beyond
- Develop an understanding of the data on the status of women in social work education using recent survey data
- Examine the challenges of women's leadership in higher education
- Develop an understanding of the CSWE sponsored leadership programs and some of their outcomes
- Learning from women who have paticipated in Harvard/HERS leadership programs as well as successful women leaders in social work and beyond
- Discuss strategies for the promotion of women in leadership posiions within social work education and in higher educaion more generally
1:00 pm–2:15 pm Status of women in social work and higher education (panel of Women's Council members)
2:15 pm–3:15 pm Panel of HERS/Harvard recipients and successful women leaders in social work education and beyond (panel of Council on Leadership Development members)
3:15 pm–4:00 pm Conclusions, Q&A (joint panel of Womens Council and Council on Leadership Development members)
Tina Chiarelli-Helminiak, West Chester University, Co-Chair of the Women’s Council
Tiffany Lane, Norfolk State University, Co-Chair of the Women’s Council
Frances Bernard Kominkiewicz, Saint Mary’s College – Notre Dame
Catherine Simmons, University of Colorado
Camille Quinn, Ohio State University