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Field Rotations

Although rotations, i.e., placing students in multiple agency settings, have only been used to a limited degree in social work agencies (primarily large hospitals), they have been used extensively and successfully in other disciplines. The traditional field education model assigns students to one agency and one supervisor over the course of a year, which typically results in students working with one specific population of older adults. By contrast, the HPPAE rotational model assigns students to two or more field settings during the yearlong internship period, giving students a more comprehensive and dynamic view of the field. 

The rotational model for students in aging can be implemented in many different ways, but there are some “musts.” Each rotation plan must be:

  • Consistent with an MSW program’s educational philosophy and objectives
  • Structurally viable for the characteristics of the social work educational program and agencies in the community aging network
  • Responsive to students’ learning needs

Please review the HPPAE implementation manual and the resources below for further assistance in setting up rotations.

  • This handout provides four steps for setting up a successful field education rotation model. For additional information please review the full HPPAE implementation manual.
  • The School of Social Welfare at the University of Albany offers the Internships in Aging Project (IAP) to MSW students specializing in gerontology. All IAP field placements feature at least one rotation. This handout outlines what makes a successful rotation from the standpoint of the students, field instructors, and agencies involved in the partnership. Please find additional information about IAP here.
  • California State University, Chico (CSUC) has operated a successful HPPAE since 2006. Learn more about how rotations are tailored to the meet the unique learning needs of the students. For additional information about their HPPAE, please visit CSUC’s website.
  • Learn more about the rotation opportunities available to University of Pittsburgh HPPAE students. Additional information about their program is available here.