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Council on Disability and Persons With Disabilities Resources

Curricular Resource 

The Curricular Resource on Issues of Disability and Disability-Competent Care provides a foundation for integrating disability content into social work courses. It outlines how content on disability aligns with each of the nine 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards social work competencies and provides specific classroom resources for social work educators. 

Sexuality and Disability Special Issue

A December 2014 special theme issue of the journal Sexuality and Disability (Volume 32, Issue 4) addresses The Emerging Intersection of Sexuality and Disability in the Profession of Social Work. The guest editor was Council on Disability and Persons With Disabilities (CDPD) member Joseph A. LoGiudice. The issue is an extension of CDPD's 2013 CSWE Connect Session, Disability and Sexuality: What Social Workers Should Know.

2014 APM Connect Session: Race, Class, and Disability: Implications for Families 

Approximately 20% of the U.S. population has a disability, but disability is not a unitary concept. When disability intersects with race and class, it is experienced differently. The presentation reviewed the research on intersectionality with particular attention to education, health, and impact on the family.

Race, Class, and Disability: Implications for Families (PPT)
Race, Class, and Disability: Connect Session Summary (Word)

2013 APM Connect Session: Disability and Sexuality: What Social Workers Should Know 

The purpose of this presentation is to explore the history, policies, practices, and pedagogy of sexuality and disability in the context of the social work profession.

Disability and Sexuality: What Social Workers Should Know (PPT)
Sexuality & Disability: Teaching Resources in Social Work (Word) 

2010 APM Connect Session: Universal Design: Toward an Inclusive Learning Environment

An estimated 9% to 17% of postsecondary students have disabilities. Nevertheless, young adults with disabilities remain less likely to pursue and complete postsecondary education compared to individuals without disabilities. This session explored challenges and opportunities for incorporating teaching strategies and technology to enhance learning for all students. 

Universal Design:  Toward an Inclusive Learning Environment (PPT)
Resources on Universal Design for Learning (Word)