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Registration and Housing  

The Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting (APM) is the place where social work education influencers collaborate, learn, teach, and grow. The 67th APM will be held at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort, November 4–7, 2021.  

The 2021 APM continues the 3-year Leading Critical Conversations theme and will focus on social, racial, and environmental justice. 

Register to attend APM today! 



Reserve your room!



CSWE is also taking many steps to focus on the health and safety of APM attendees. Please read the Health and Safety page for more information. 

Visa Application Process for International Travelers
If you would like to request an invitation letter from CSWE for a visa application, you must first register and pay in full for the meeting. To obtain a visa invitation letter, provide your registration confirmation number and e-mail us the request.

Rates & Policies

Prefer to mail or fax your registration? Download the 2021 APM Registration Form.

Payment Date Rates

Early Bird registration is available through October 15, 2021. Full payment must accompany the registration form for a person to be considered as a registrant. Effective October 16, 2021, persons registering will be charged regular rates.

Registration Fee Options

  1. APM meeting registration only
  2. APM meeting registration and 1-year new or renewal CSWE membership (inclusive)
  • CSWE members: You must be a Full or Associate member of CSWE with active status through March 31, 2022, to qualify for a member registration rate. If your membership expired April 1, 2021, or earlier, please renew your membership to obtain the member registration rate (see Registration  Categories chart below). Dues can be added to your online registration. We are only able to process renewals for the current membership cycle ending March 31, 2022.
  • Nonmembers: If you are interested in becoming a CSWE Individual member, add dues to your meeting registration (see Registration Categories chart below).

Registration Categories

CSWE Member Registration Categories
Dues must be current through March 31, 2022
Early Bird
(October 29)
After October 16 Add Dues to Registration
Full Member: Faculty and Administrators; Individuals Full Conf: $435 or
One Day: $340
Full Conf: $485 or
One Day: $390
Associate Member: Emeritus Full Conf: $290 or
One Day: $270
Full Conf: $340 or
One Day: $320
Associate Member: Undergraduate/Graduate Studenta,b $65 $115 $65
Associate Member: Doctoral Studenta,b $65 $115 $95
Nonmember Registration Categories      
Student Nonmember: Undergraduate/Graduatea,b $125 $175 N/A
Student Nonmember: Doctorala,b $165 $215 N/A
Nonmember Full Conf: $660 or
One Day: $555
Full Conf: $710 or
One Day: $605
Practitioner or Academician in Non–Social Work Field Full Conf: $315 or
One Day: $210
Full Conf: $365 or
One Day: $260
Social Work Practitioner Full Conf: $315 or
One Day: $210
Full Conf: $365 or
One Day: $260
Higher Education Librarian Full Conf: $315 or
One Day: $210
Full Conf: $365 or
One Day: $260
Additional Registration Categories      
Individual from Economically Less-Developed Countryb,c $70 $120 N/A
Guest (17 and Older): bMust accompany attendee with full registration. Not eligible for drawings. $35 $50 N/A
Child (16 and Younger): bMust accompany attendee with paid registration. Not eligible for drawings. Children must be supervised at all times. $10 $10 N/A

aStudent rates require documentation. See Registration Categories.
bSome rates do not change for Full Conference vs. One-Day Registration.
cSee Country List for this rate.

Summits and Institutes

Visit this page for more information.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021 Leadership Development Institute $100 Member/ $150 Nonmember
Thursday, November 4, 2021 Field Education Institute $250 Member/ $300 Nonmember
Thursday, November 4, 2021 Teaching Institute for Faculty $250 Member/ $300 Nonmember
Sunday, November 7, 2021 Technology Summit $125 Member/ $175 Nonmember

On-Site Registration

On-site registration will be available to those who do not preregister. Mailed registrations must be postmarked by Thursday, October 22, 2021. Those who wish to register but cannot send in their fees by the preregistration date should register on site. Those registering on site will be required to pay the regular registration fee and will be eligible for enrollment in the Summits and Institutes only if space remains. Students registering on site must show documentation of their student status. See Registration Categories.

Method of Payment

Cash, checks, money orders, MasterCard, VISA, or American Express will be accepted for conference and membership fees. Please make all checks or money orders payable to the Council on Social Work Education. Cash, checks, and money orders are payable in U.S. currency only and must be drawn on a U.S. bank. A $30 processing fee will be charged on all returned checks. This additional charge applies to checks written at any time for the APM, CSWE membership, or publications.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Submit registration cancellations via e-mail by October 15, 2021. No requests for refunds will be honored if they are e-mailed after this date. Registrants who do not cancel by October 15, 2021, and fail to attend the APM will be charged the full registration fee.

  • Note: November 3, 4 and 7 Institute session fees, and membership dues, are nonrefundable.

Refunds will be less a $75 administrative fee and must specify the payee. Refunds will be based on the original form of payment and processed within 30 days after the completion of the meeting. Refunds will not be processed after December 1, 2021. Please cancel housing reservations directly with your hotel.

CSWE is not liable for cancellation fees charged by hotels, airlines, or other means of transportation. By submitting a completed registration form, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the cancellation policy.

Substitution Policy

Substitution of registrations is permitted prior to the APM and on site. Submit substitutions via e-mail by October 30, 2021. After this date, please make any substitutions at the APM Registration Desk on site.

Only one substitution is permitted per original registrant. The individual submitting the substitution request is responsible for all financial obligations (any balance due) associated with that substitution as well as updating any contact information.
