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Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice

Chair: Lisa de Saxe Zerden (University of North Carolina)
APM Assignment: 2020–2022

Co-Chair: Carmen Morano (University at Albany SUNY)
APM Assignment: 2019-2021

This Track aims to strengthen the areas of interprofessional practice, education, and research. Papers could be based on collaborative initiatives between social workers and other professionals to address micro and macro work related to social issues, ethical dilemmas across professions, examples that connect innovative ideas from other disciplines to the social work profession, and other related areas. Presentations also may focus on how researchers, practitioners, and educators explore and examine social problems, target populations, and practice interventions through an interdisciplinary lens, as well as how such teams recommend measures for social policy, education, and practice. In addition, conceptual papers based on experiences and lessons learned from interprofessional work that pertain to the theme of the conference and the Track will be considered.