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Hundreds of social work faculty members, influencers, administrators, and students will connect and collaborate virtually during the 2020 APM, November 16-20. Support the 2020 APM and make sure your organization is visible at APM by taking advantage of sponsorships, virtual exhibit booths, and Final Program advertisements. 


CSWE recognizes that sponsors of Annual Program Meeting items have been given the option to renew that sponsorship for the following year. Should they decline the sponsorship for the following year, that sponsorship become available to other programs. It was not possible to offer many of CSWE’s traditional sponsorships at the virtual 2020 APM. Therefore programs that secured sponsorships with payments for in-person offerings for the 2020 APM before the meeting moved to a virtual setting will be given the first opportunity to secure those sponsorships for the next in-person APM.