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Registration Categories

Registration rates for the Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE) 2020 Annual Program Meeting (APM) vary by registration category. Please see the descriptions below to determine your registration category.

CSWE Individual Member Registration Categories

Individual Members receive discounted registration rates. To qualify, you must provide your membership ID number and have your member dues paid in full through March 31, 2021. For more details, visit CSWE Individual Membership Categories and Dues.

  1. Full Member: Faculty and Administrator
    Faculty and administrator members are persons holding paid faculty, administrative, or managerial appointments in programs accredited by CSWE.
  2. Full Member: Individual
    Individual Members are individuals affiliated with national, state, local, voluntary, public social welfare, and other professional social work organizations; field instructors with educational responsibilities for students in social work undergraduate and graduate programs; and others who wish to support social work education through membership in CSWE.
  3. Associate Member: Emeritus
    Emeritus Members are emeritus faculty members or administrators from CSWE accredited programs and those programs in candidacy status.
  4. Student Member: Undergraduate/Graduate, Doctoral (See more information below)
    Students seeking or renewing membership must submit verification (sample letter) from their program director to CSWE with the following:
  • Enrollment status (degree level) with projected graduation date for that degree level
  • Confirmation that the student does not hold a full-time professional position

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Nonmember Registration Categories

  1. Nonmember
  2. Practitioner or Academician in Non–Social Work Field
    Full-time practitioner who does not hold an academic appointment in social work, or a full-time practitioner, or an academician in an allied discipline.
  3. Social Work Practitioner
    Full-time social worker who does not hold an academic appointment, or who works for a public or private human service organization.
  4. Higher Education Librarian
    Full-time or part-time librarian employed by a higher education institution.
  5. Individual From Economically Less-Developed Country
    Reduced registration fees are available for individuals coming from these countries only (see list). Classifications are based on the World Bank Country Classifications for low income economies. Nationals from countries listed on this link who are currently in the United States and working/studying in a U.S. agency need to register using the regular registration rate and do not qualify for this discounted rate.

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Student Registration Categories (Member, Nonmember, and Volunteer)

  1. Associate Member: Student (Undergraduate/Graduate or Doctoral) Full-time or part-time students who are not CSWE Full members. (Category 1 under individual members, above)
  2. Nonmember: Student (Undergraduate/Graduate or Doctoral)
    Full-time or part-time students who are not CSWE members.

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Exhibitor Registration

Exhibitor registration opens in June. The main exhibitor contact will receive information from CSWE on how to register the three complimentary, full-conference registrations. These registrations can only be redeemed on the 2020 APM Exhibitor Registration site by the main exhibitor contact. E-mail us with any questions.

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