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Interactive Posters Go Digital!

New in 2017! CSWE is transitioning from the previous posterboard format to a digital ePoster format (60 minutes, up to four presenters). All ePosters must be submitted in advance to our ePoster vendor, ePosterboards. Deadline to submit: September 22, 2017, at 5:00 pm (ET).

View the ePoster webinar, held August 30, here.

Important: Please bring your presentation on a flash drive to APM as a backup.

How to create your ePoster/Specifications:

  • Posters must be created in Powerpoint, using one of these sample templates:
  • Only landscape presentations are accepted.
  • Slide/poster size must be 40.97" × 23.04" (16:9 ratio). 
  • Recommended font size is 28 pt or larger, so main text can be easily read.
  • Single or multiple pages/slides may be used. Average presentation size is 3–5 pages/slides. Too many pages can slow down the ability to move between pages/slides.
  • Poster presenters stand beside their posters and discuss their work one-on-one or in small groups with attendees.
  • Videos, hyperlinks, animations, and/or QR codes can be used in the ePosters.
  • Submit your ePoster. Deadline: September 22, 2017.
Additional requirements:
  • Save your ePoster file as: last name, first name, 3-digit final session number (available from the official schedule sent to each presenter in early August).
  • Limit your ePoster file to 100 MBs or less.
  • Each display area consists of a 47" flat-panel monitor, mobile stand, shelf, Mac mini with mouse device or surface touchscreen tablet, and cable connectors.
  • Presentations will be set up to advance manually using navigation buttons embedded into the presentations by our ePoster vendor.
  • Design services can be purchased, at additional cost, from our vendor.
  • Link to other design hints here.
  • Link to tech support online request.

On-site at the conference:

  • You do not need to bring your own laptop, tablet, etc.
  • Please bring your presentation on a flash drive.
  • Technicians will be on-site before and during the conference to assist presenters. Visit the Tech Support table near the ePosterboard monitors.
  • Arrive 15 minutes early to make sure your presentation is loaded correctly. Please arrive earlier if you need extra help.
  • Find your monitor number/location and get ready to present.

Interactive Poster Proposal Submission Components (already completed with your submission): 

  • Background/Rationale
  • Methods/Methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Presenters must identify which of the 12 Grand Challenges (up to two) the proposal addresses.

Proposals were reviewed for the following (already completed):

  • Relevance of topic, study, or inquiry to CSWE members and conference theme
  • Clarity of the written proposal or focus of inquiry
  • Appropriateness of research method(s) and/or conceptual foundation
  • Robustness of analytical and/or theoretical frame
  • Significance for social work education, practice, research, policy, or theory

Thank you to our 2017 APM Premier Sponsor!


Thank you 2017 APM  Platinum Sponsors!