Exhibitor Prospectus & Benefits
CSWE’s 2017 APM is the place where social work education influencers collaborate, learn, teach, and grow. This year more than 2,600 social work faculty members, administrators, and students will meet in Dallas, Texas, to tackle our nation’s most compelling social challenges. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to network with academic peers and learn from respected social work educators.
What's inside the Exhibitor Prospectus:
- APM Audience Demographic (allowing exhibitors to better plan their marketing strategy)
- Benefits and Cost of Exhibit Space
- Floor Plan of the Exhibit Hall
- Information about Ad and Sponsorship Opportunities
- Exhibitor Application for Booth Reservation
- Rules & Regulations
Click here to download and explore the 2017 APM Exhibitor Prospectus now!
Please note: the Exhibitor Proespectus was formerly known as the Marketing Toolkit.