Class Exercises
Developmental Disabilities and Older Adults Case Study
The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this class exercise to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.5—Advance human rights and social and economic justice.
Communicating With Older Adults: Disorders Simulation Class Exercise
This exercise could be modified to have one of the communicators be an older adult, the other a service provider. The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this in-class exercise to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.10(a)—Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Hospice Social Work and Caregiver Stress Case Study
Practice issues related to who is the primary client, family-focused care, and strategies to prevent caregiver burnout are illustrated in this case study, which could be used in practice courses at the generalist practice level. The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this class exercise to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.10(d)—Evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Hospice Social Work: Nutrition and Hydration Case Study
The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this class exercise to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.2—Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice.
Multigenerational Issues and Caregiving Case Study
This case study is useful for understanding family dynamics across three generations and identifying strategies to support family caregivers. Although most relevant to generalist practice or Human Behavior and the Social Environment curriculum, it does raise some macro issues as well. The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this case study to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.7—Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment.
Multigenerational Family Dynamics Case Study
This case study was developed by two MSW students at the University of Washington, for a generalist practice course on Multigenerational Relations and Social Justice. It could also be infused into generalist practice courses. The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this class exercise to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.3. Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments.
Policy Analysis and Advocacy: Stakeholders and Allies Class Exercise
This exercise, which portrays older adults as activists, may be infused in generalist policy or macro practice courses. The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this in-class exercise to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.8—Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services.
Social Work & Chronic Illness Care Assignment & Class Exercise
The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies class exercise Table 3, pp. 12–14 to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.10(c)-intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities and assignment Table 2, pp. 8–9 to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior2.1.10(d)-d)—evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Generalist Practice Case Study
The Advanced Gero Social Work Practice Guide (Curriculum Resource Examples) identifies this case study to support students’ attainment of the advanced gero practice behavior 2.1.4—Engage diversity and difference in practice.