2008 Gero-Ed Track
View the 2008 Gero-Ed Track Overview flyer (MS Word) to see highlights of our 2008 APM events!
Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off
Health Care: Policy Challenges and Practice Implications
Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off Speaker, Robert Hudson, professor and chair of the Department of Social Welfare Policy at Boston University School of Social Work, spoke movingly to a large crowd on the critical health care issues that both older Americans and those who provide services to them will confront in the coming years.
A brief biography of Dr. Hudson as well as a summary of Hudson's key points are also available.
Hot Topic Panel: Healthcare
In conjunction with the keynote speech, a Hot Topic Panel Session featured a variety of speakers discussing the intersection of social work, health care, and aging adults. Grace Christ of Columbia University, Michelle Putnam of Simmons College, Patricia Volland of the New York Academy of Medicine, and Joan Weiss of the Health Resources and Services Administration all took part in this engaging conversation.
CSWE Gero-Ed Center/AGE-SW Reception
As part of a long collaboration with the Association for Gerontology in Social Work (AGE-SW), the CSWE Gero-Ed Center and AGE-SW co-sponsored a reception to celebrate and reconnect with colleages. During the reception, Nancy Hooyman, CSWE Gero-Ed Center co-principal investigator, announced the winners of the 2008 Best Practice Awards for Gerontological Curricular Innovation. The University of Montana School of Social Work and the West Chester University of Pennsylvania Undergraduate School of Social Work both received awards.
Anita Rosen Gerontology Awards for Outstanding Student Poster
These awards were established to promote the advancement of gerontological social work education among social work students. Awarded at the CSWE Gero-Ed Center/AGE-SW Annual Reception, this honor was presented to the best intergenerational or aging-specific student poster from each academic level (BSW, MSW, and Doctoral). 2008 Rosen Award Winners.
Caregiving Special Session
The issue of how social workers and other professionals can support informal caregivers is a hot topic, and Ashley Brooks-Danso of the Alzheimer's Association, JoAnn Damron-Rodriguez of the University of California, Los Angeles, Rhonda Montgomery of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and Patricia Volland of the New York Academy of Medicine all brought their expertise for an excellent session.
To learn how social workers and nurses have collaborated to support family caregivers, visit the CSWE Gero-Ed Center Caregiving Initiative page. The full text of the report, State of the Science: Professional Partners Supporting Family Caregiving, published through the Journal of Social Work Education, is available online free of charge.
Gero-Ed Film Festival
The third annual Gero-Ed Center Film Festival once again drew crowds eager to see the numerous educational films that deal with social work and aging. For more information on the films shown, please download the Film Festival flyer (PDF).