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State of the Science: Professional Partners Supporting Family Caregivers

Families and other unpaid caregivers, such as friends and neighbors, are the primary providers of long-term care in the United States. Social workers and nurses are on the front lines of interacting with family caregivers, but frequently lack the competencies and resources to effectively support them. In order to better prepare both professions , the American Journal of Nursing, AARP Foundation, Council on Social Work Education, Family Caregiver Alliance, and Rutgers Center for State Health Policy collaborated to improve the knowledge and skills of nurses and social workers to provide practical, evidence-based tools to informal caregivers of older adults.

A report entitled “State of the Science: Professional Partners Supporting Family Caregivers” was published through the Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) and the American Journal of Nursing (AJN). Full-text articles from JSWE are available below. These projects were made possible by funding from the John A. Hartford Foundation and the Jacob and Valeria Langeloth Foundation.


Caregiver Assessment

By Lynn Feinberg

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Community and In-Home Models

By Jennie Chin Hansen

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Developing Competence for Nurses and Social Workers

By JoAnn Damron-Rodriguez

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Executive Summary: Professional Partners Supporting Family Caregivers

By Kathleen Kelly, Ashley Brooks-Danso, and Susan C. Reinhard

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Historical Overview

By Andrew Scharlach

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How Do Family Caregivers Describe Their Needs For Professional Help?

By Michael J. Yedidia and Amy Tiedemann

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Influencing Support for Caregivers

By Carol Raphael and Jennifer Lin Cornwell

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Physical and Mental Health Effects of Family Caregiving

By Richard Schulz and Paula R. Sherwood

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TCARE: Tailored Caregiver Assessment and Referral

By Rhonda Montgomery and Jung Kwak

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Technology and Web-Based Support

By Carol Smith

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Transitional Care

By Mary Naylor and Stacen A. Keating

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What Knowledge and Skills Do Caregivers Need?

By Barbara Given, Paula R. Sherwood, and Charles W. Given

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