JSWE Reviewers
The Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) would like to thank all of the dedicated professionals who generously donate their time and expertise to reviewing manuscripts, thus ensuring the timeliness, relevance, and high quality of each JSWE article. Learn how to become a JSWE reviewer here.
Adedamola Christson A. Adedoyin, Samford University
Adriana Aldana, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Jeane Anastas, New York University
Brent Angell, University of Windsor
Juan Carlos Araque, University of Southern California
Kenta Asakura, Carleton University
Yvonne Asamoah, Hunter College, City University of New York
Judith Baer, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Mahasweta Banerjee, University of Kansas
Kia Bentley, Virginia Commonwealth University
Beverly M. Black, University of Texas at Arlington
Jessica M. Black, Boston College
Donna L. Bliss, University of Georgia
Kathleen Boland, Cedar Crest College
Laura R. Bronstein, Binghamton University
Christina M. Bruhn, Aurora University
Mary Ann Burg, University of Central Florida
William Cabin, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Daphne S. Cain, University of Mississippi
Elisabeth Counselman Carpenter, Southern Connecticut State University
Kala Chakradhar, Murray State University
Monit Cheung, University of Houston
Ram A. Cnaan, University of Pennsylvania
Ira C. Colby, University of Houston
Elaine P. Congress, Fordham University
Helen Crohn, Fordham University
Adele Crudden, Mississippi State University
Michael Daley, University of South Alabama
Diana M. DiNitto, University of Texas at Austin
Carol Drolen, University of Alabama
Barbara P. Early, Catholic University of America
Charles Floyd, California State University of Stanislaus
Christine Flynn Saulnier, College of Staten Island
Sondra J. Fogel, University of South Florida
James Forte, Salisbury University
Anne E. Fortune, University at Albany, State University of New York
Bruce D. Friedman, University of Texas at El Paso
John M. Gallagher, University of Arkansas
Larry Gant, University of Michigan
Fredi Giesler, University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh
Leon Ginsberg, Appalachian State University
Tomi Gomory, Florida State University
Roberta Greene, University of Texas–Austin
Yuqi Guo, University of North Carolina
Michele D. Hanna, University of Denver
Jeremiah Jaggers, University of Alabama
Seokwon Jin, University of Memphis
David H. Johnson, Millersville University
Hanae Kanno, Valdosta State University
Saliwe M. Kawewe, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Suk-hee Kim, Northern Kentucky University
Peter Kindle, University of South Dakota
Dione Moultrie King, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Joshua Kirven, Winthrop University
Karen M. Kolivoski, Howard University
Toula Kourgiantakis, University of Toronto
Nancy Kropf, Georgia State University
Winnie Wai-Ming Kung, Fordham University
Mary LeCloux, West Virginia University
Mingun Lee, Ohio University
Othelia E. Lee, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Sungkyu Lee, University of Tennessee
Brianna P. Lemmons, Baylor University
Patrick Leung, University of Houston
Marilyn W. Lewis, Norfolk State University
Lettie L. Lockhart, University of Georgia
Brad Lundahl, University of Utah
Wade J. Luquet, Gwynedd Mercy University
Romel Mackelprang, Eastern Washington University
Robert Paul Maiden, University of Southern California
Gayle M. Mallinger, Western Kentucky University
Ronald J. Mancoske, Southern University of New Orleans
Mariann Mankowski, West Virginia University
Susan Mapp, Elizabethtown College
James Martin, New York University
Tina Marie Maschi, Fordham University
Susan E. Mason, Yeshiva University
Sally Mathiesen, San Diego State University
Carl Mazza, Lehman College, City University of New York
Lauren McInroy, University of Toronto
Jane McPherson, University of Georgia
John McTighe, Sacred Heart University
Michael Meacham, Valdosta State University
Michael Paul Melendez, Salem State University
Jay Memmott, University of South Dakota
Joseph Merighi, Boston University
Lori Messinger, University of Kansas
Shari E. Miller, University of Georgia
Rebecca Mirick, Salem State University
Christian E. Molidor, California State University, Long Beach
Brij Mohan, Retired
Larry G. Morton II, Arkansas State University
David P. Moxley, University of Alaska, Anchorage
April Murphy, Western Kentucky University
Sarah Narendorf, University of Houston
Lirio K. Negroni, University of Connecticut
Ande Nesmith, University of St. Thomas/St. Catherine University
F. Ellen Netting, Virginia Commonwealth University
Christine L. Norton, Texas State University–San Marcos
Gerald O'Brien, Southern Illinois, Edwardsville
Patricia O'Brien, University of Illinois at Chicago
Timothy C. Okeke, Livingstone College
John G. Orme, University of Tennessee
Danielle Parrish, Baylor University
Tonya Perry, Alabama A&M University
David Pollio, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Suzanne R. Pritzker, University of Houston
Barbara Probst, Smith College
Ed Pecukonis, University of Maryland
Camille R. Quinn, The Ohio State University
Lisa Quinn-Lee, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Karen A. Randolph, Florida State University
Guitele Rahill, University of South Florida
Stephanie Lyu Rhee, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Karen M. Rice, Millersville University
Barbara A. Rittner, University at Buffalo
Victoria Rizzo, Binghamton University, State University of New York
Nancy Rodenborg, Augsburg College
Soonhee Roh, University of South Dakota
Sunny Harris Rome, George Mason University
Steven R. Rose, George Mason University
Rebecca S. Rouland, Nazareth College
Allen Rubin, University of Houston
Najwa Safadi, Al-Quds University
Patricia Saleeby, Bradley University
Bibhuti Kumar Sar, University of Louisville
Anna Marie Scheyett, University of Southern Carolina
Jerome Schiele, Morgan State University
Jill C. Schreiber, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Tracy A. Schroepfer, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Arlington
Mary Secret, Virginia Commonwealth University
Elizabeth A. Segal, Arizona State University
Vishanthie Sewpaul, University of KwaZulu, Natal
Terry Shaw, University of Maryland
Lawrence Shulman, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Jonathan Singer, Temple University
Jacqueline Smith, Howard University
Karen Sowers, University of Tennessee
Nicola Stanley-Clarke, Massey University
Kimberly Strom-Gottfried, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
William Patrick Sullivan, Indiana University
Betty Surbeck, West Chester University
Barbra Teater, College of Staten Island, City University of New York
Jenny Tonsing, Appalachian State University
Kareen Tonsing, Oakland University
Leslie Tower, West Virginia University
Lea Tufford, Larentian University
Carol Tully, University of Louisville
Tee Tyler, Texas Christian University
Halaevalu F. Ofahengaue Vakalahi, Morgan State University
Deborah P. Valentine, Colorado State University
Robert F. Vernon, Indiana University
Margarita Villagrana, San Diego State University
Mohan Vinjamuri, Lehman College
M. Elizabeth Vonk, University of Georgia
Jeffrey D. Waid, Portland State University
Cheryl E. Waites, Wayne State University
Micki E. Washburn, University of Houston
Raymie Wayne, University of Saint Joseph
Hilary Weaver, State University of New York, University at Buffalo
Eugenia Weiss, University of Southern California
Melissa Wells, University of New Hampshire
Lisa Werkmeister Rozas, University of Connecticut
Linda Wermeling, Northern Kentucky University
Ruth White, Seattle University
Sherrie Wilcox, University of Southern California
June L. Wiley, University of Southern California
Dina Wilke, Florida State University
Michael Wolf-Branigin, George Mason University
Michael R. Woodford, Wilfrid Laurier University
Jessica Lynn Yang, Winthrop University
Jaehee Yi, University of Utah
Intae Yoon, North Carolina State University
Diane Young, University of Washington–Tacoma
Jimmy A. Young, California State University San Marcos
Marianne R. M. Yoshioka, Smith College
Tarek Zidan, Indiana University
Carole Zugazaga, Auburn University