Best Reviewers for 2015

Congratulations to Michael Daley (left; Texas A&M University–Central Texas) and Jeremiah Jaggers (right; Indiana University), who have been selected as the JSWE Best Reviewers of 2015. Each year, the recipients of the Best Reviewer awards are selected by the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Social Work Education to recognize manuscript reviewers who have demonstrated exceptional service in responsiveness to requests for review, timeliness in submitting completed reviews, and quality of written reviews. Dr. Daley and Dr. Jaggers will be honored at the Reviewers Reception at the CSWE 2015 Annual Program Meeting in Denver, CO.
Best Articles of Volume 50
The criteria for choosing the Best Articles published in the Journal of Social Work Education include the importance and timeliness of the content, originality of thought, innovative conceptualization of the topic, and presentation of conclusions and/or recommendations that add significantly to the professional knowledge base and to social work education. The award winners for this year will be honored at the Reviewers Reception at the CSWE 2015 Annual Program Meeting in Denver, CO. The Best Article award winners will be available at Taylor & Francis Online for viewing and free download through June 2016.
Best Conceptual Articles for Volume 50
Best Quantitative Article for Volume 50
N. Andrew Peterson, Antoinette Y. Farmer, & Allison Zippay, “The Implicit Curriculum in an Urban University Setting: Pathways to Students’ Empowerment,” DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2014.947163, pp. 630–647
Best Qualitative Article for Volume 50
Mary Tijerina & Anne C. Deepak, “Mexican American Social Workers’ Perceptions of Doctoral Education and Academia,” DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2014.885277, pp. 365–378
Honorable Mention—Qualitative Article
Nehami Baum, Tova Yedidya, Chaya Schwartz, & Ofra Aran, “Women Pursuing Higher Education in Ultra-Orthodox Society,” DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2014.856242, pp. 164–175
Best Teaching Note for Volume 50
Carrie W. Rishel, "Integrating Prevention Content Into Clinical Social Work Practice Courses,” DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2014.947166, pp. 752–762
Honorable Mention—Teaching Note
Frederick P. Buttell & Joel Devine, “Is Interdisciplinary a Bad Word for Social Work Doctoral Programs?”, DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2014.885280, pp. 379–384