Congratulations to Yvonne Asamoah (Hunter College, City University of New York) and Kia J. Bentley (Virginia Commonwealth University), who have been selected as the JSWE Best Reviewers of 2017. Each year, the recipients of the Best Reviewer awards are selected by the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Social Work Education to recognize manuscript reviewers who have demonstrated exceptional service in responsiveness to requests for review, timeliness in submitting completed reviews, and quality of written reviews. Dr. Asamoah and Dr. Bentley will be honored at the Reviewers Reception at the CSWE 2017 Annual Program Meeting in Dallas, TX.
CSWE and the JSWE Editorial Advisory Board would like to thank all of the dedicated professionals who generously donate their time and expertise to review manuscripts and thus contribute to the value and success of the journal.
Best Articles of Volume 52
The criteria for choosing the Best Articles published in the Journal of Social Work Education include the importance and timeliness of the content, originality of thought, innovative conceptualization of the topic, and presentation of conclusions and/or recommendations that add significantly to the professional knowledge base and to social work education. The award winners for this year will be honored at the Reviewers Reception at the CSWE 2017 Annual Program Meeting in Dallas, TX. The Best Article award winners are available at Taylor & Francis Online for viewing and free download through June 2018.
Best Conceptual Article
Juliana Carlson, Hoa Nguyen, & James Reinardy. “Social Justice and the Capabilities Approach: Seeking a Global Blueprint for the EPAS.” 52: 269–282. doi:10.1080/10437797.2016.1174635
Best Empirical Article
Jayshree S. Jani, Philip Osteen, & Stacey Shipe. “Cultural Competence and Social Work Education: Moving Toward Assessment of Practice Behaviors.” 52: 311–324. doi:10.1080/10437797.2016.1174634
Best Teaching Note
Elizabeth A. Bowen & Helen Redmond. “No Peace Without Justice: Addressing the United States’ War on Drugs in Social Work Education.” 52: 503–508. doi:10.1080/10437797.2016.1198296