Katherine A. Kendall Institute
Global Agenda Resource Collection
CSWE is now collecting resources in support of the first commitment of the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development, Promoting Social and Economic Equalities. If you have resources to contribute, please e-mail them with the submission form to kaki@cswe.org by Friday, November 22, 2013.
Study Abroad and International Field Placement Opportunities
The Kendall Institute will begin posting study abroad opportunities and international field placements on its calendar. Please send any opportunities that you would like to share to kaki@cswe.org.
2013 PIE Awards
The 2013 Partners in Advancing International Education (PIE) awardees have been selected by the CSWE Global Commission PIE Committee.
2014 Cuba Social Work Research Tour to Cuba
Marazul Charters and the Katherine A. Kendall Institute will hold a third social work study tour to Cuba in June 2014. Space is limited for this program; all participants must be members of CSWE and full-time faculty members and/or administrators at their respective universities.