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2014 Social Work Research and Faculty Development Opportunity in Havana, Cuba


Marazul Charters, with the Council on Social Work Education's Katherine A. Kendall Institute as its program consultant, is pleased to advise you of an exciting research and faculty development opportunity scheduled tentatively for June 14–22, 2014. Similar, highly successful programs occurred in June 2012 and 2013. This program provides a comprehensive view of the development and present state of Cuban social work education and practice. Participants will learn about social work on the island and establish contacts for possible future collaboration with the Cuban social work community and with representatives of related disciplines. Dr. David Strug, professor emeritus of social work at Yeshiva University, who has traveled to Cuba and has written about social work on the island, will once again participate in this program. 

Social work educators from the United States will meet with social work faculty from the University of Havana, social workers in diverse agencies and organizations, and with the Cuban Society of Social Workers in Health Care. They will also visit research centers, community development programs, health care centers, and other programs. Participants will be asked to complete a brief evaluation of the program for CSWE after their return.

The estimated cost for the 9 day/8 night trip is approximately $2,597 in double occupancy and $2,959 in single occupancy. This includes round-trip airfare between Miami and Havana, hotel accommodation for 8 nights, breakfast daily, welcome and farewell dinners, a bilingual guide, daily bus transportation, and all program activities. Final cost may vary depending on the number of participants enrolled. A nonrefundable $200 per person deposit is due no later than 2 months prior to departure via credit card, certified check, or money order. Final payment is due no later than 1 month prior to departure. This cost will be in addition to the cost of a domestic flight to Miami or from any other city of departure to Havana. 

All participants must be members of CSWE and full-time faculty members and/or administrators at their respective universities. Space for this program is limited, and there is an application process. If you want to participate, please contact Marazul Charters ( or 1-800-223-5334, ext. 19) as soon as possible and copy David Strug ( on correspondence with Marazul. Include a CV and a brief description of why you want to participate in this research and faculty development opportunity. Participants make arrangements directly with Marazul Charters, a travel provider specifically licensed by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control to make travel arrangements to/from and within Cuba.