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The Global Agenda Observatory Data Collection


The Global Agenda is a call to action advocating for the universal implementation of human rights and social justice by the International Association of Schools of Social Work, the International Council on Social Welfare, and the International Federation of Social Workers. The three organizations came together at the 2010 Joint World Conference in Hong Kong to develop the following commitments to action:

  • Promoting social and economic equalities
  • Ensuring the dignity and worth of the person
  • Promoting sustainable communities and environmentally sensitive development
  • Promoting well-being through sustainable human relationships

The Global Agenda, which was officially unveiled at Social Work Day at the United Nations in 2012, established a Global Agenda Observatory to monitor and report on the implementation of the agenda commitments. Data collection is underway for resources addressing the first commitment, promoting social and economic equalities. Examples of resources that can be submitted for the Observatory include papers, videos, audio files, and pictures. More information about the submission requirements is available on the Global Agenda Observatory Submission Form. Submissions are due November 22, 2013.