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Commission on Global Social Work Education

The Commission on Global Social Work Education works with other international organizations to promote international programs and projects and to develop the international dimension of social work curricula.

This commission has two councils and two committees:

Council on Global Social Issues
Council on Global Learning and Practice

Committee on Environmental Justice
Committee on Human Rights

Commission's Charge

The commission's charge, as per the CSWE bylaws, includes the following:

  • Further the international/global agenda of CSWE
  • Assist in the growth and development of the Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work Education (KAKI)
  • Provide leadership to the organization in global social work education and research
  • Collaborate with complementary international organizations
  • Encourage the development and inclusion of an international dimension in social work curricula



2018–2019 Joint Special Project
The Global Commission and the Council on Global Social Issues received CSWE special project funding to support the development of Transforming Community, an online educational platform for social workers, policy makers, and community-based service providers about the relevance of social work practice in working with refugees. Using a human rights perspective and a relational-cultural lens, the website offers 12 curriculum modules, videos, photographs, and classroom activities focused on current refugee resettlement practices in Germany.

The webpage is linked to a partner site, the Armenia Refugee Project, also developed by the Global Commission. 

Visit Transforming Community.

Annual Reports
A review of recent activities can be found in the Commission's Report to the Board of Directors, Mar 2021.