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Committee on Human Rights


The Committee on Human Rights was established because human rights are an explicit part of the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards established by CWSE but are not explicitly under the charge of any specific commission.
The purpose of the Committee on Human Rights is three-fold, and its actions and activities shall be directed toward fulfilling the following purposes:

  • Promoting awareness of human rights domestically and internationally within social work education
  • Advocating for and assisting with the integration of human rights in social work educational curricula
  • Developing opportunities for combining human rights and social justice perspectives in social work education


The committee is part of the CSWE governance structure and reports to the Commission on Global Education. The committee shall have between 10 and 15 members and must include representatives from the following:

  • The Commission on Global Social Work Education
  • The Council on Global Social Issues
  • The Council on Global Learning and Practice
  • The Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work Education

Members shall be appointed to 3-year terms and are eligible for one reappointment to another 3-year term. They must be off the committee for a minimum of 3 years before reappointment can be considered. A member may serve only one 3-year term as chair/co-chair of the committee.


The committee shall hold an annual in-person business meeting at the CSWE Annual Program Meeting. Other electronic meetings (Web/phone) will be held as needed.

Currently, the committee is co-chaired by Marciana Popescu (Fordham University) and Robin DeLuca Acconi (Stony Brook University). Members of the committee are as follows:

  • Jo Daugherty Bailey (Metropolitan State University of Denver)
  • Kala Chakradhar (Murray State University)
  • Robert Barney (Stockton University)
  • S. Megan Berthold (University of Connecticut)
  • Suzanne L. Velázquez (Stony Brook University)