Katherine A. Kendall Institute
Global Agenda Resource Collection
CSWE is now collecting resources in support of the first commitment of the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development, Promoting Social and Economic Equalities. If you have resources to contribute, please e-mail them with the submission form to kaki@cswe.org by November 22, 2013.
2014 Sustainable Human Development and Human Rights Faculty Development Trip to Costa Rica
CSWE’s Council on Global Learning, Research, and Practice is planning a faculty development trip to Costa Rica June 7–15, 2014. Interested CSWE members should send a brief bio or CV and letter of interest to kaki@cswe.org.
2014 Cuba Social Work Research Tour to Cuba
Marazul Charters and the Katherine A. Kendall Institute will hold a third social work study tour to Cuba in June 2014. Space is limited for this program; all participants must be members of CSWE and full-time faculty members and/or administrators at their respective universities.
New International Social Work Online Learning Modules
The Council on Global Learning, Research, and Practice has developed a set of online learning modules addressing a variety of topics ranging from human rights to aging and cultural competence.