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2015 Sustainable Human Development and Human Rights Faculty Development Trip to Costa Rica


CostaRica.jpgJoin the CSWE Council on Global Learning, Research, and Practice in Costa Rica June 6–14, 2015, for a faculty development study abroad seminar focusing on sustainable human development and human rights, emphasizing women's and children's rights, from a social work perspective. This trip provides a variety of activities:

• Combines lectures, readings, and dialogue with visits to government offices and nongovernmental organizations representing community-based grassroots, national, and international organizations 

• Includes interactions and exchanges with social work faculty members, social workers, and other health and human service practitioners to offer opportunities to learn about human development, human rights, and social work education and practice in Central America

• Provides cross-cultural experiences to show how Costa Rican culture, history, politics, economics, and international relationships influence its social policies and delivery of social work services

This trip will be led by Drs. Dennis Ritchie of George Mason University (VA) and Laura Guzman Stein of the University of Costa Rica.

Estimated cost of the 9 day/8 night seminar is approximately $$1,800(covering single hotel accommodation, breakfast daily, welcome and farewell dinners, in-country bus transportation, and international travel insurance policy). The cost does not include round-trip airfare, which typically runs $400–$700 depending on departure city.

Interested CSWE members should send a brief biographical statement or CV and letter of interest to kaki@cswe.orgThe application deadline is Wednesday, April 1, 2015. CSWE membership is required to participate.

1Price may change depending on the total number of participants.