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Sponsor_Icon.PNG Sponsorships are the perfect opportunity to uniquely showcase your brand and demonstrate your support for specific APM programming or events. Sponsor at the levels indicated below and receive the additional corresponding benefits!

Contact Allison Moon for more information on sponsorship opportunities and custom sponsorship opportunities.  


General Sponsorships Award & Lecture Sponsorships
Event Sponsorships Destination Sponsorships



General Sponsorships

Badge Lanyards —$5,000 (sole sponsorship)  SOLD
Everyone at APM will be wearing your brand with the badge lanyard sponsorship—badges are required and each APM participant will receive a lanyard with your logo.
  • Includes logo and/or brand recognition on lanyard given to each APM participant 
  • Receive all Gold Level benefits

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Column Wraps—$3,500 for one column; $6,800 for two full columns
Bring your brand or program’s message to APM with billboard-like column wraps in the Exhibit Hall, near Registration, or in other high-traffic areas.
  • Branding and/or messaging on 4-panel columns (22.5”x 240” per side for a total sq/ft per column of 150 sq/ft)
  • One column sponsorship receives all Silver Level benefits; two column sponsorship receives all Gold Level benefits
  • Sponsor to provide artwork to vendor, subject to CSWE approval
  • Contact us for location availability 

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E-mail Sponsorship
Email Week #8-6—$2,500 each
Email Week #5-3—$3,000 each
Email Week #2-1—$3,500 each

Sponsor one (or more!) weekly countdown e-mails sent to 2018 APM registrants and CSWE members. Each e-mail will feature news, updates, and important information to prepare registrants for APM. In 2017, these emails averaged a 35% open rate and 9% click rate!
  • Includes logo recognition and 140 characters of text
  • Sponsor to provide artwork and text, subject to CSWE approval

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Digital SignageContact for availability and details
The Walt Disney World Dolphin has several options for digital signs in prominent locations, including near education session rooms, escalators, and the entrance to registration and the exhibit hall. 
  • Escalator signage—$3,000 each, receive all Silver Level benefits
  • LED Screen* —This brand new 27-ft. wide and 6.7-ft tall LED screen is adjacent to the hotel's main lobby and the 2018 APM registration area. Your advertisement, message, or logo will be displayed front and center on a rotation with important APM information and updates. 
    • Full screen—$2,000, receive Bronze Level benefits
    • 2/3 screen—$1,000, receive Bronze Level benefits
    • 1/3 screen (no print ad purchase)—$500
    • 1/3 screen (add-on to Final Program print ad purchase)—$200
For all digital signage options above, the sponsor provides the artwork and all artwork is subject to CSWE approval.

*Note: The full LED screen option requires 2688w x 768h pixels; 2/3 screen requires 1344w x 768h pixels; and 1/3 Screen requires 896w x 768h pixels. All artwork must be submitted as a JPEG or PNG file at 300 dpi. We recommend artwork with minimal text to maximize visibility. Contact us with any questions.

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Floor Decals—$1,200 each  
Lead the way with your logo by sponsoring a floor decal that will be placed in the exhibit hall or in other in high-traffic areas. Contact us for sizing and location availability
  • Receive all Bronze Level benefits
  • Sponsor to provide artwork, subject to CSWE approval

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Hotel Keycards—$5,750 (sole sponsor)  SOLD
By placing your logo and branding on the 2018 APM hotel keycards, your message will be on APM participants’ minds at check-in and every morning and evening of APM.
  • Receive all Gold Level benefits
  • Sponsor to provide artwork, subject to CSWE approval

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Hotel Keycard Sleeves—$4,400 (sole sponsor) SOLD
Wrap the 2018 APM hotel keycards with your logo to get your message in each APM participant’s hand on arrival in Orlando.
  • Receive all Silver Level benefits
  • Sponsor to provide artwork, subject to CSWE approval

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Mobile App —$8,000 (sole sponsor) or $6,500 (two co-sponsors)  SOLD
The APM mobile app enables APM participants and exhibitors to receive on-demand and up-to-date information during the meeting. Your logo will be on 3,000+ APM participants’ mobile devices as they check the app for the Exhibit Floor map, schedule of events, session room numbers, and more.
  • Branded logo/banner on opening the app and on footer of every mobile page
  • Logo recognition on all mobile app signage, in the 2018 APM Final Program, and on a registration badge given to all APM participants
  • Sole sponsor receives all Platinum Level benefits; co-sponsors receive all Gold Level benefits

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Student Volunteer T-Shirts—$5,000 (sole sponsor) SOLD
We love our APM volunteers! You will too when you see them everywhere at APM, wearing shirts with your logo and/or message front and center.
  • Includes recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program
  • Receive all Silver Level benefits
  • Sponsor to provide artwork, subject to CSWE approval

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Technology Giveaway—$3,100 (sole sponsor) SOLD
Every registered APM participant receives tickets for a chance to win devices like an iPad or GoPro. Place your logo and/or messaging in front of everyone who enters the giveaways!

  • Includes logo recognition on all giveaway signage; optional branding on the raffle wheel
  • Verbal recognition at each drawing time when winners are selected
  • Receive all Silver Level benefits
Tote Bags—$12,000 (sole sponsor) or $6,000 (two cosponsors) SOLD
Sponsor the 2018 APM tote bag and your organization will enjoy visibility from the time APM participants arrive at registration to when they return home, and every time the bag is used thereafter. Contact us for availability.
  • Includes logo recognition on the tote bags given to each registered APM participant
  • Sole sponsor receives all Premier Level benefits; cosponsors receive all Gold Level benefits

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Tote Bag Inserts—$2,700 each
Put your message in the tote bag given directly to more than 2,700 APM participants! Whether a flyer, notebook, or bookmark, your brand will be in the hands (and bags) of everyone at APM.
  • Receive all Silver Level benefits
  • Sponsor to provide insert, subject to CSWE approval
  • Sponsor responsible for all costs, including shipping to the 2018 APM location site

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Twitter Feed Flat Screen Monitors—$2,500 each
Flat screen monitors displaying a live, dynamic Twitter feed of all the APM action will be placed in high-traffic areas throughout the conference. Place your logo around the perimeter of the screen (or all of them!) to catch APM participants’ attention as they check the monitors. Contact us for availability and additional details.
  • Includes logo or messaging around the edges of the flat screen monitor
  • Receive all Silver Level benefits

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WiFi Network/Password—$15,000 (sole sponsor) or $10,000 each (two co-sponsors) SOLD
Be the name everyone is saying at APM by sponsoring the WiFi network name and password. APM participants will become instantly aware of your brand as they type your coded message into mobile devices to connect to the wireless Internet. Contact us for availability and specifications
  • Logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program and all signage with WiFi information
  • Sponsor provides personalized network name and password, subject to CSWE approval
  • Receive all Premier Level benefits

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Award & Lecture Sponsorships

Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture—$6,000 (sole sponsor) or $4,000 (two co-sponsors) SOLD
Sponsor the annual Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture to help continue the legacy of Carl A. Scott and his contributions to social work education and social justice. As one of the headlining events at the APM, everyone will be in attendance to hear from one of social work’s most inspirational leaders. Contact us for availability.
  • Logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program, on all signage with the lecture information, and on the first presentation slide of the lecture
  • Sole sponsor receives all Gold Level benefits; co-sponsors receive all Silver Level benefits

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Council on Disability and Persons With Disabilities (CDPD) Disability Manuscript Award—$400 (sole sponsorship) or $200 (two co-sponsors) or $150 (three co-sponsors) SOLD
Show your support of disability research, education, and persons with disabilities by sponsoring the annual Disability Manuscript Award. Contact us for availability
  • Logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program, and on signage and the first presentation slide at the CDPD Connect Session during which the award is presented
  • Social media recognition during the CDPD Connect Session

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Council on Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Diversity (CRECD) Award—$400 (sole sponsorship) or $200 (two co-sponsors) or $150 (three cosponsors) SOLD
Does your organization pride itself on a commitment to diversity or have a unique diversity-based program? Sponsor the annual CRECD Award that recognizes doctoral students and junior faculty with outstanding scholarship in the areas of racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity in social work education.
  • Logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program, and on signage and the first presentation slide at the session during which the award is presented
  • Social media recognition when the award is presented

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Hokenstad International Lecture—$6,000 (sole sponsor) or $4,000 (two co-sponsors)
Sponsoring the Hokenstad International Lecture is perfect if your organization aligns with the values, challenges, and powerful potential of international social work education. The annual lecture is one of the three headlining events at APM and features a top-tier speaker who has shown excellence in international work. Contact us for availability.
  • Logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program, on all signage with the lecture information, and on the first presentation slide of the lecture
  • Sole sponsor receives all Gold Level benefits; co-sponsors receive all Silver Level benefits

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Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) Best Article Awards—$400 (sole sponsorship) or $200 (two co-sponsors) or $150 (three cosponsors) SOLD
The JSWE Best Article Awards are given to the authors’ of the best conceptual and empirical articles of the previous volume year. Sponsor these awards to join us in congratulating the authors and show your support for their contributions to the social work education community. Contact us for availability.
  • Logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program and any related signage

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Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) Best Reviewer Award—$400 (sole sponsorship) or $200 (two co-sponsors) or $150 (three co-sponsors) SOLD

The JSWE Best Reviewer Award is given to the best reviewer(s) based the percentage of manuscripts accepted, average time taken to return reviews, and quality of feedback to authors. Sponsor this award to demonstrate the importance of the role JSWE’s reviewers play in the academic community. Contact us for availability.
  • Logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program and any related signage

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Partners in International Education (PIE) Awards—$400 (sole sponsorship) or $200 (two co-sponsors) or $150 (three co-sponsors) SOLD
Is your organization a leader in promoting international education? The PIE Awards, presented immediately preceding the Hokenstand International Lecture, recognize the contributions of students, individuals, and organizations as partners in advancing education for international social work. Contact us for availability.
  • Logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program, on related signage, and on the presentation slide during the award ceremony
  • Verbal recognition at the beginning of the awards ceremony 

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Event Sponsorships

APM Awards Luncheon—$5,500 (sole sponsor) or $2,700 (two co-sponsors)
CSWE and APM participants will recognize recipients of the Significant Lifetime Achievement Award and Distinguished Recent Contributions to Social Work Education Award at the APM Awards Luncheon. Sponsor the luncheon and be the name everyone sees when we proudly “honor our own.” Contact us for availability.
  • Logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program, on all signage with the luncheon information, and on the first presentation slide at the luncheon
  • Verbal recognition at the beginning of the awards ceremony
  • Messaging or advertising opportunity (up to one full-page) in the ceremony program
  • Sole sponsor receives all Gold Level benefits; cosponsors receive all Silver Level benefits

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APM Awards Luncheon Table$1,000 per table
Sponsor a table at the APM Awards Luncheon and get a front row seat as we honor the recipients of the Significant Lifetime Achievement Award and Distinguished Recent Contributions to Social Work Education Award. Contact us for availability.
  • Reserved table at the front of the room, including a sign with your logo
  • Receive all Bronze Level benefits

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Human Rights Advocacy Event$2,000 (sole sponsor) or $1,000 (two co-sponsors) SOLD
Show your support of human and immigrant rights by sponsoring the CSWE Commission on Global Social Work Education’s Committee on Human Rights’ event. The event will feature local speakers who are working to promote awareness of human rights issues. Contact us for availability.
  • Logo recognition on signage at the entrance to the event and on the first presentation slide
  • Receive all Bronze Level benefits

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Council on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity & Expression (CSOGIE) Reception—$5,000 (sole sponsor) or $2,500 (two co-sponsors)  SOLD
The 2018 Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Scholarship Award recipients will be honored at the CSOGIE Reception for this year’s most outstanding contributions to the development of social work curriculum focusing on LGBT topics and experiences. Contact us for availability.
  • Logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program and on a dedicated sign at the entrance to the reception
  • Sole sponsor receives all Gold Level benefits; cosponsors receive all Silver Level benefits

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Council on Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Diversity (CRECD) ReceptionContact us for details and availability
Does your organization demonstrate a commitment to diversity or have a unique diversity-based program? Sponsor the CRECD Reception, where doctoral students and junior faculty will be recognized for outstanding scholarship in the areas of racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity in social work education.
  • Logo recognition on a dedicated sign at the entrance to the reception
  • Sponsor benefits based on sponsorship level
CSWE Opening Night Reception—$7,000 (sole sponsor) or $3,500 (two co-sponsors)  SOLD
Immediately following the 2018 APM Opening Plenary Session, all APM participants will head to the CSWE Opening Night Reception in the Exhibit Hall. Sponsoring this reception and your organization will be top of mind on the opening night of APM.  Contact us for availability.
  • Logo recognition on signage at the entrance to the event
  • Social media recognition during event 
  • Sole sponsor receives all Gold Level benefits; cosponsors receive all Silver Level benefits

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Leadership Networking Reception —$5,000 (sole sponsor) or $2,500 (two co-sponsors)
CSWE Leadership Institute’s reception honors new leadership in social work and provides a platform for discussing today’s most relevant topics in social work education. Sponsor the reception and help us honor recipients of the 2018 CSWE Summer Leadership Scholarship Program. Contact us for availability.
  • Logo recognition on signage at the entrance to the event and on the first presentation slide
  • Sole sponsor receives all Gold Level benefits; co-sponsors receive all Silver Level benefits

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Minority Fellowship Program Doctoral Fellow Training and Reception—Support at level of your choice
Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) fellows are dedicated to reducing the effects of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities. By sponsoring MFP events at APM, you will be supporting training for doctoral fellows and providing them the opportunity to meet and network with MFP alumni and invited guests at APM. 
  • Logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program and on all MFP signage, training materials, presentation slides at MFP events, and MFP’s sponsorship webpage
  • Acknowledged in e-newsletters to current and alumni fellows
  • Invitation to attend the MFP Reception
  • Receive additional benefits based on level of support; view benefits by level here
Opening Plenary Session— $6,000 (sole sponsor) or $4,000 (co-sponsorship)  SOLD
Help us kick off APM as the Opening Plenary Session sponsor and your organization will be visible at this widely attended event.  
  • Logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program, on signage at the entrance to the session, and on the first presentation slide
  • Sole sponsor receives all Gold Level benefits; cosponsors receive all Silver Level benefits

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Women’s Council Networking Breakfast
Does your program or company focus on feminist research or champion feminist thought? Sponsor the Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education’s networking breakfast, bringing diverse women and men together to recognize feminist research.
  • $5,000—receive all Gold Level benefits (includes complimentary booth); top logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program, on event signage, on the first presentation slide; and top acknowledgment in the Women’s Council Networking Breakfast program
  • $2,500—receive all Silver Level benefits; logo recognition on event signage, on a presentation slide, and acknowledgment in the Women’s Council Networking Breakfast program 
  • $1,000—receive all Bronze Level benefits; logo recognition on event signage and acknowledgment in the Women’s Council Networking Breakfast program 
  • $500—logo recognition on event signage and acknowledgment in the Women’s Council Networking Breakfast program 
Contact us for availability.

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 Destination Sponsorships

Charging Lounge—$8,000 (sole sponsor) SOLD
Want a sponsorship that APM participants will remember? Use your logo and message to deck out a charging lounge where APM participants can relax and recharge their devices in the Exhibit Hall. Contact us for specifications and planning details.
  • Branding (including logo and/or message) on signage around the charging lounge
  • Optional distribution of materials on tables in the charging lounge
  • Logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program
  • Sponsor to provide all artwork and materials/shipping, subject to CSWE approval
  • Receive all Platinum Level benefits

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Charging Stations—$2,000 each SOLD
Charging stations will be strategically placed in high-traffic areas in the Exhibit Hall. Sponsor these popular spots where APM participants are sure to stop to recharge their devices between sessions and lectures. Contact us for availability.
  • Branding (including logo and/or message) on all four panels of the charging station
  • Sponsor to provide all artwork, subject to CSWE approval
  • Receive all Bronze Level benefits
CSWE_2539(11-5-16).JPG _67A8219.jpg

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Coffee Stations$3,000 each
Sponsor a coffee station for 90 minutes and help APM participants fuel up on coffee in the Exhibit Hall and other high-traffic areas. Contact us for availability.
  • Logo recognition on signage at the coffee station
  • Included in schedule on mobile app
  • Receive all Silver Level benefits 

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ePoster Sessions—$6,000
Show that your program or company is at the forefront of academia research by sponsoring the interactive ePoster sessions, where lively discussion takes place between presenters and viewers of poster material. 

  • Logo featured on the entrance tower to the ePoster Sessions area
  • Logo recognition in the 2018 APM Final Program
  • Receive all Gold Level benefits
  Escalator—$2,000 each (sole sponsor)
Place your branding on a graphic that runs the entire length of escalators in high traffic areas at the Walt Disney Dolphin. Meet and greet APM participants with your messaging every time they move upstairs or downstairs during the conferece. Contact us for availability.
  • Graphic will be placed between in between the railings of the up escalator and down escalator
  • Sponsor to provide all artwork, subject to CSWE approval
  • Receive all Bronze Level benefits

Photo Booth—$6,000 (sole sponsor) SOLD
Sponsor the centrally located photo booth where APM participants can snap photos with colleagues and share them on social media with #APM17 to let their networks know they’re in attendance.
  • Logo recognition on the backdrop of the photo booth and in the 2018 APM Final Program 
  • Receive all Gold Level benefits

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Registration—$6,000 (sole sponsor) or $3,000 (two co-sponsors)
Welcome all APM participants with this sponsorship and your organization will be highly visible as APM participants pick up their badges and tote bags.  
  • Logo recognition on high-exposure signage around the registration counter and in the 2018 APM Final Program
  • Sole sponsor receives all Gold Level benefits; co-sponsors receive all Silver Level benefits 

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