Drive participants to your booth with advertisements in the Preliminary and Final Programs. Combine your booth and advertisement purchase with a member-only package* for a special discount. |
Booth + Ad Packages
Advertising Only Rates
Want to go digital? Be sure to check out the
digital signage sponsorship option to place your ad on a 27' LED screen that's adjacent to the APM registration area and the escalators to the exhibit hall and education session rooms. Reserve a space on the LED screen for only $200 with the purchase of a Final Program ad. Contact
Allison Moon to reserve your space
Advertising artwork is accepted in PDF (preferred) or JPG (300 ppi resolution or higher) formats. Send all final ad artwork to Allison Moon by the following deadlines:
- Wednesday, May 2—Preliminary Program artwork due
- Friday, August 17—Final Program artwork due
Acceptable File Formats
- PDF (preferred) – Must be press-ready (PDF/X-1A or PDF/X-4-compliant; 300 ppi or higher; cmyk; all fonts must be embedded or converted to outline/vector)
- JPG – Must be 300 ppi (or higher resolution) and cmyk
Ad Dimensions & Bleed Size
- Publication Trim Size— 7” x 10”
- Full Page with 1/8” Bleeds: 7.25” x 10.25”
- Full-page ads with bleeds must have at least 1/8” bleed allowance extending beyond trim size on all sides.
- Live area for full-page ads with bleeds: 6.25” x 9.25” (keep all critical text and images within this live area)
- Full Page, Non-Bleed: 6” x 9”
- Half Page, Horizontal: 6” x 4.375”
- Half Page, Vertical: 2.83” x 9”
- Quarter Page, Vertical: 2.83”x 4.375”
*Each package includes one standard exhibit booth and your choice of advertisement.
View the
2018 APM Rules & Regulations for more information.