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From the Director

Dear Fellows and Alumni,

I hope that you and yours are managing the range of competing demands amidst the ongoing public health pandemic and the continual need for social justice.  

Welcome to the 2020–2021 CSWE MFP fellowship year! This year, 42 master’s students from across the country join the MFP family for their 1-year fellowship. In our doctoral fellowship, 11 new doctoral students join our 15 renewing fellows. Together, the fellows seek to address the breadth of behavioral health needs in BIPOC communities. We look forward to connecting online and starting the fellowship year to share ideas, experiences, and insights as fellows progress in their social work careers to improve BIPOC behavioral health. We thank all our advisory committee members and volunteer readers involved in the application review process!

The MFP encourages you to register for CSWE’s APM! This year we are registering all MFP fellows for the conference being held virtually November 16–20, 2020. In particular, we look forward to this year’s Carl A. Scott Lecture by Dexter Voisin (MFP doctoral ‘98). Conference registrants will have access to APM content on demand into 2021. The MFP will also host a networking event during APM, so look for more information in the coming weeks. 

Starting this month, the MFP will increase its use of the CSWE Spark platform to provide timely communication to MFP fellows and alumni. CSWE Spark enables private communities that allow users to have focused conversations, build connections, and share job opportunities within the MFP family. Everyone can sign up for a free account—CSWE membership is not required.  Visit CSWE’s YouTube channel for more information on SPARK and how to sign up and get started.

Finally, we are putting the final touches on our CV booklet for 2020–2021 that features current doctoral fellows and recent doctoral alumni who are on the academic job market. Look for the booklet in this month’s issue of CSWE Compass and on the MFP Web page in the coming weeks.

In Fellowship, 
Duy Nguyen, PhD
Director, Minority Fellowship Program




2020–2021 MFP Fellows

2020–2021 CSWE MFP Master’s Cohort

Arizona State University (AZ): Andrea Camacho de Anda
Boston College (MA): Maria Carolina Izquiel
California Baptist University (CA): Raquel Puebla
California State University, Fullerton (CA): Tania Carrillo, Rwanda Carter, Jacqueline Kristine Pantoja
California State University, Long Beach (CA): Juan Angel Gutierrez
California State University, San Bernardino (CA): Tabari Zahir
California State University, San Marcos† (CA): Briana Fair, Allison Ware
Columbia University (NY): Ashley Yerim Choi, Alison Chou, Regina Honorat
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania (PA): Haley Kay Hepler
Hunter College of the City University of New York (NY): Taren Payne
Jackson State University (MS): Anthony D. Jones
New York University (NY): Maritza Alva, Paula Susan McKenzie, Aida Sidi, Orlando R. Solorza
North Carolina State University (NC): Irang Kim
San José State University† (CA): Ariana Arenas, Kara Haney
Seattle University† (WA): Jelwyn Agbayani, Jamie Vo
State University of New York at Stony Brook (NY): Christine Cantrell, Karolina Guzman
University of California at Los Angeles (CA): Araceli Gonzalez
University of Chicago (IL): Gabriela Martinez
University of Michigan (MI): Victoria Turner
University of Pennsylvania (PA): Arie Hayre-Somuah
University of Saint Thomas† (MN): Labibah Mazen Buraik
University of South Florida (FL): Melanie Ashley Rosler
University of Tennessee, Knoxville (TN): Hannah Lozano
University of Texas at Austin (TX): Stephanie Davila, Juliana Smith
University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley† (TX): Zuni A. Gonzalez, Simon Rios
University of Utah (UT): Jessica Grace Broadbent, Roberto Lara
University of Wisconsin-Madison† (WI): Roberto Godinez
Wayne State University (MI): Nancy Williams

† First fellow(s) from the master’s program

2020–2021 CSWE MFP Doctoral Fellows

Arizona State University (AZ): Cynthia Mackey*
Catholic University of America (DC): Christine Park
City University of New York (NY): Gilbert A. Nick
Michigan State University (MI): Jessica Saba*
Morgan State University (MD): Dasha J. Rhodes,* Robert A. Mays 
Rutgers University (NJ): Mariama Diallo
University of Chicago (IL): Justin Harty, Lester J. Kern III*
University of Denver (CO): Shana McClain*
University of Georgia (GA): Luis R. Alvarez-Hernandez
University of Houston (TX): Gabrielle Aquino-Adriatico,* Kenya Minott 
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (IL): Carol A. Lee
University of Kansas (KS): Amittia Parker
University of Maryland (MD): Shawna Murray-Browne
University of Pennsylvania (PA): Victoria Aguilar, Jessica Cho Kim* 
University of Pittsburgh (PA): Laurenia Mangum,* Cortney R. VanHook*
University of Southern California (CA): Monique Holguin
University of St. Thomas (MN): Luis O. Curiel
University of Tennessee (TN): Lanalle Darden*
University of Washington (WA): Araceli Orozco-Figueroa, Jessica I. Ramirez*
Washington University in St. Louis (MO): Autumn Asher BlackDeer

*New fellow for 2020–2021







CSWE Diversity Center’s September Educator|Resource
In this month’s Educator|Resource, Rachel Forbes and Cathryne L. Schmitz, who led the production of the new Curricular Guide for Environmental Justice, share pedagogical approaches to help students feel empowered to create change as they are faced with the enormity of the climate crisis. They provide ideas for hands-on engagement in community building, transformative learning, and social action. Also this month, Diversity Center Director Dr. Yolanda Padilla discusses what Hispanic Heritage Month means for social work education at the Rutgers School of Social Work commemorative celebration.



West Chester University

University of Kentucky
(contact Laura Escobar-Ratliff for more information)

University of Miami (Ohio)
(contact Sherill Sellers for more information)

Institute for Justice Research and Development at Florida State
(contact Johnny Kim for more information)

MFP Connect Alumni Spotlight

We want to feature your work in MFP ConnectTell us about your current work with underserved racial/ethnic communities. We are especially interested in examples that build and foster connections between current fellows and alumni.