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Message From the Director

Dear MFP Community,

Dr. NguyenThank you for helping spread the awareness of our GivingTuesday campaign. As the MFP enters its 45th year, we have set an ambitious goal of 45 donations of at least $45. Funds received will help current master’s and doctoral fellows attend the 2020 National Assoication for Social Workers National Conference or the 2020 Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Annual Conference in Washington, DC. Travel to these conferences is not covered by our Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminitration grant, so your generous donations will enable fellows to attend. Click here to make your online donation today.
The MFP invites you to join our alumni and fellow lunch meeting at the 2020 SSWR Annual Conference, from 12:30 pm–1:30 pm on Friday, January 17, at the Marriott Marquis. Seating is limited, and you can RSVP using this link.
As many of you know, interest in the MFP far outpaces the number of fellows we can support. To meet this need, I am leading a special interest group at the 2020 SSWR Annual Conference on Minority Behavioral Health (Friday, January 17, 7:00 am–8:00 am) to connect interested students and researchers. Please e-mail me at if you are interested in sharing your experience with the special interest group. 
As we approach new beginnings in the new year, the MFP team and I wish you a happy and healthy holiday season!

In Fellowship,
Duy Nguyen, PhD
MFP Director

Carol A. LeeCarol A. Lee, MSW

Current fellow Carol A. Lee is a third-year doctoral student at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. Ms. Lee studies substance abuse intervention development and implementation using a community-based participatory research approach for marginalized adolescents and young adults from disadvantaged communities. Ms. Lee will present on her research at the upcoming SSWR conference in Washington, DC. After completing her doctoral degree, she plans to conduct intervention research to eliminate health inequality for young populations to achieve social justice.


James SampsonJames Sampson

Current master’s fellow James Sampson is an MSW student at Columbia University and is transitioning from a career as a minister. Rev. Sampson’s clinical work focuses on the mental health of adults in the African-American community facing depression and trauma. Rev. Sampson is also a wellness intern at Harlem United in New York City. He hopes to have a career as a clinical social worker specializing in depression and trauma treatment, to provide clinical supervision, and to mentor other interns. Connect with James on LinkedIn.


Cynthia WilksCynthia Wilks

Current master’s fellow Cynthia Wilks is an MSW student at Florida Atlantic University. For more than 6 years Ms. Wilks provided supportive services and healing spaces to Latinx people living with HIV and/or substance use disorders and to members of racial/ethnic minorities who had experienced trauma. Ms. Wilks interns at Palm Beach Elite Counseling Services, an outpatient treatment center devoted to the 12-step program and long-term aftercare treatment for clients. She plans to focus her post-MSW clinical practice on addressing sleep hygiene and detection of sleep-wake disorders to improve mental health outcomes among diverse populations. Connect with Cynthia on LinkedIn.

Mathylde Frontus, PhD, LMSWMathylde Frontus, PhD, LMSW

Assemblywoman Mathylde Frontus was an MFP doctoral fellow from 2005–2008. Dr. Frontus was elected to the New York State Assembly representing the 46th Assembly District in November 2018, where she has founded and led several community-based organizations. Dr. Frontus completed her PhD in social policy and administration in 2015 at Columbia University with her dissertation, “African Americans and Mental Health: Exploring the Role of Clergy.”  She has designed and taught courses in advocacy and social justice for social work practice at Columbia University and New York University.

Donate Today to MFP!

Giving TuesdayThere’s still time to donate to MFP and help support the professional development of doctoral and master’s fellows. With your assistance, fellows can travel to the 2020 SSWR and NASW conferences and experience two amazing opportunities. Travel expenses to these conferences are not covered by the MFP grant. Pledge your tax-deductible gift today to help the MFP reach its goal of raising $45 donations from 45 generous individuals. Donate now and share a photo and MFP testimonial on social media. Please use the following tags when sharing: @cswemfp, #CSWEMFP and #GivingTuesday.

Join MFP at the 2020 SSWR Annual Conference

MFP will host a workshop for current fellows and alumni during the 2020 SSWR Annual Conference in Washington, DC, January 15–19, 2020. The workshop will be held 12:30 pm–1:30 pm on Friday, January 17, 2020. Seating is limited, and you can RSVP using this link.
Be sure to attend Dr. Karina Walters’ Aaron Rosen Lecture on Saturday, January 18, 11:30 am–12:30 pm during SSWR. Dr. Walters was a 1995 MFP doctoral fellow.


The Diversity Center’s Educator|Resource of the Month
Visit CSWE’s Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice to view the December Educator|Resource of the Month. In the past five issues the Educator|Resource revisited the new Center Library, approaches to teaching diversity and justice online, and new models for work with diverse communities.
Training LEADers to Accelerate Global Mental Health Disparities Research Program
This intensive summer program provides trainees from under-represented groups with hands-on experiences to lead multi-disciplinary, collaborative research teams focused on mental health disparities research in low-resource communities. Benefits of the program include a monthly stipend, free travel, and individualized coaching. Applications will be accepted through January 1, 2020 (extension from original December 1 deadline). Click here to see eligibility requirements. Currently funded MFP fellows are not eligible to apply.

APM 2020 Track Chair Volunteer Opportunities 
CSWE is seeking volunteer chairs and co-chairs for the following Annual Program Meeting tracks: Cultural Competence, Educational Outcomes Assessment, Health, LGBTQIA+ & Two-Spirit, and Values & Ethics. Track chairs and co-chairs serve as expert leaders to solicit and review APM proposal submissions, review final selections, and maintain a network regarding the track topic area by active participation in the track's online community. Click here for more information on chair responsibilities and how to apply.
Summer Leadership Scholarship Program Accepting Applications
The application period for the CSWE Council on Leadership Development's 2020 Summer Leadership Scholarship Program is now open. CSWE members are automatically eligible for the Harvard Institutes of Higher Education (HIHE) and the Higher Education Resource Services (HERS) Bryn Mawr Summer Institute for Women in Higher Education Administration. Applications are due by Friday, January 10, 2020. Click here to learn how to apply.
2020 Spring IPEC Institute
The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) will hold its next institute, titled “Building a Framework for IPE for Collaborative Practice,” May 19–21, 2020, at the AAMC Learning Center in Washington, DC. The institute will provide participants the opportunity to acquire and use knowledge and skills to further advance their existing institutional interprofessional education and collaborative practice programs. Click here to register.
Public Health Excellence in Interprofessional Education Collaboration Award
The United States Public Health Service and the Interprofessional Education Collaboration recognize health-professional school-based collaborators who have innovatively addressed a public health issue while making a lasting impact on the community’s health. Consider nominating an interprofessional education team at your institution by the application deadline on February 3, 2020. Click here to learn more about eligibility and how to apply.
Call for Abstracts: 2020 All Together Better Health X Conference
The 10th International Conference on Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice All Together Better Health X Conference welcomes educators, researchers, and practitioners to a collaborative global health forum addressing emerging health-care challenges through consensus-based partnership. The conference will be held in Doha, Qatar, October 24–27, 2020. Click here to visit the conference’s Web page for abstract submission guidelines.


Hawai'i Pacific University
Assistant Professor
For more information about this job announcement, contact Dr. Halaevalu Vakalahi  (MFP Doctoral 1998)

Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work
For more information about this job announcement, contact Dr. Laina Bay-Cheng (MFP Doctoral 2002)

University of Toronto 
Assistant Professor/Professor – Child Welfare with Indigenous Children, Families & Community

Assistant Professor – Indigenous Child Welfare

Assistant Professor – Gerontology

Assistant Professor – Clinical Social Work
For more information about these job announcements, contact Dr. Dexter Voisin (MFP Doctoral 1998)


Park University
Assistant/Associate Professor
MSW Program Director
University of Maryland, Baltimore
Dean–School of Social Work

University of Missouri–Kansas City
Professor and Chair
Eastern Kentucky University
MSW Field Director (Online Program)

Assistant/Associate Professor
University of Alabama–Birmingham
Department Chair
University at Albany, State University of New York
Assistant Professor
University of Houston–Clear Lake
Assistant Professor
Health Workforce Connector Search 

MFP Connect Alumni Spotlight

We want to feature your work in MFP ConnectTell us about your current work with underserved racial/ethnic communities. We are especially interested in examples that build and foster connections between current fellows and alumni.