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2011-2012 Katherine A. Kendall Fellow



Gordana Berc (seated second to the left, end of the front row)

The 2011–2012 Katherine A. Kendall Fellowship was awarded to Gordana Berc, a native of Zagreb, Croatia. During the summer semester of her fellowship Berc co-taught a graduate course on grief counseling and therapy and participated in a course addressing clinical practice and trauma at Saint Catherine University-University of Saint Thomas in Saint Paul, MN. Teaching and interacting with students gave Berc the opportunity to share her knowledge of working with clients in Croatia who have survived war and family trauma.

Berc holds a doctorate of social sciences and teaches as an associate professor at the University of Zagreb. The experience gained through the Kendall Fellowship will allow her to develop and teach a course on grief, loss, and resilience in the Department of Social Work at her university.