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2010 Katherine A. Kendall Fellow

IMG_6306.JPGSanela Sadic from Bosnia-Herzegovina was selected to be the 2010 Katherine A. Kendall Fellow. She visited the CSWE office September 24–30 where she had the opportunity to meet CSWE members and attend seminars in the Washington, DC, area. Sadic is an assistant professor at the University of Sarajevo in the Department of Social Work and teaches courses that include social casework, family work, and group and community work. Sadic defended her doctoral thesis Social Rights in the System of Human Rights and Social Work in December 2009. She also attended the 2010 APM, where she served as a co-presenter with CSWE member Ann Petrila from the University of Denver in the session "Sarajevo and Denver: A Formal Affiliation Between Two Schools of Social Work."