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2009 Katherine A. Kendall Fellow

We are pleased to welcome Muhammad Samad as the 2009 Katherine A. Kendall Fellow. Samad is a professor and director at the Institute of Social Welfare and Research at the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh. He has authored and edited books in the fields of social science and development and has also done extensive research on the rural poor, indigenous peoples, and the disenfranchised in Bangladesh.


Some of his work includes The Invisible People: Poverty and Resiliency in the Dhaka Slums (2008; Jointly with Cathleen Jo Faruque), PublishAmerica, Baltimore, USA, Participation of the Rural Poor in Government and NGO Programs: A Comparative Study (2002), Awareness About the Role of UN in Bangladesh: An Opinion Survey (2000), Santal Community in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects (2003; Jointly), Human Rights: 50 Years of Advancement 1999 (Ed. in Bengali), The Fourth World Conference on Women: Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action (Ed. 1997 in Bengali), Role of NGOs in Rural Poverty Alleviation of Bangladesh (1984, in Bengali) and The Struggle of Poets and Poems (A collection of essays ed. in Bengali, 1994). Samad is also a well-known poet in his native Bengali language.

Samad was selected as a Kendall fellow for his interest in accreditation. He wants to establish an accreditation system for schools of social work in Bangladesh and will be learning about the U.S. accreditation system while at CSWE. After completing his fellowship in June, Samad will teach the course Globalization and Social Welfare at Winona State University in Minnesota during the summer semester.