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2012 GSWI Education Sessions

Celebrating Thirteen Years of Visionary Leadership 

This year we are celebrating the impact of the Geriatric Social Work Initiative (GSWI) and its leaders in geriatric social work. Explore the many presentations at APM by GSWI participants. Please consult the Online Scheduler or Conference Program for the location of these events.

NOTE: While the information listed below is accurate to the knowledge of the GSWI staff, changes may occur that affect the date or time of the sessions. We strongly encourage you to consult the Conference Program to confirm all details. Below is a list of self-reported presentations by GSWI participants at the CSWE Annual Program Meeting (APM).

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Qualitative Inquiry for Social Work Knowledge: An interactive and Experience-Informed Discussion
Amanda Barusch
Mentor and Program Committee Member

Should a DSM-IV-Based Course on Assessment Be Required in MSW Programs?
Avani Shah
Hartford Faculty Scholar

Aging Parents and Adult Children with Disabilities Before and After Olmstead
Nancy Kelley-Gillespie
Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education participant and Gero-Ed Center participant

Integrative Mind/Body Approaches for Older Adults and Families Dealing With Substance Use
Susan Tebb
Gero-Ed Center participant

Mental Health Outreach with Older Adults in Senior Housing Communities
Karen Bullock
Hartford Faculty Scholar, Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education participant, and Gero-Ed Center participant

Older Asian Americans with Depression: Health and Language Barriers as Predictors
Dennis Kao
Hartford Doctoral Fellow, Hartford Faculty Scholar, and Hartford Pre-dissertation Awardee

Passing the Gauntlet: Lessons Learned in Sustaining a Successful Community Partnership
Stacey Kolomer
Hartford Faculty Scholar and Gero-Rich participant

What Is Valued in Gay and Lesbian-Specific Alcohol and Drug Treatment?
Noell Rowan
Hartford Faculty Scholar and Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education participant

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Infusing Experiential Aging Content in an Introductory Course: On-line and In-Class Variations
Miriam Raskin
Gero-Ed Center participant

Connecting With Field Education: Sharing Best Practices
Lisa Richardson
Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education participant and Gero-Ed Center participant

Overcoming Qualitative Methods Challenges With Minority Older Men: Social Work Education Implications
Tina Maschi
Hartford Faculty Scholar

A Case Study Engaging a Latino Immigrant Man in Conversation about Colorectal Cancer as part of the Overcoming Qualitative Methods Challenges With Minority Older Men: Social Work Education Implications session
Frances Nedjat-Haiem
Hartford Faculty Scholar

A Collaborative, Anti-Oppression Teaching Model for "Mindful" Foundation Practice in Urban Settings
Nancy Giunta
Hartford Doctoral Fellow and Hartford Faculty Scholar

Enhancing Psychosocial Care in Nursing Homes: Implications for Practice, Education and Research
Joy Ernst
Hartford Faculty Scholar and Gero-Rich participant

Enhancing Psychosocial Care in Nursing Homes: Implications for Practice, Education and Research
Joan Zlotnik
SAGE-SW participant

An Exploratory Study of Advocacy Participation Among Human Service Nonprofit Organizations
Stacey Kolomer
Hartford Faculty Scholar and Gero-Rich participant

Designing Livable Cities for Older Adults and Children
Jeanne Sokolec
Gero-Ed Center participant

Elder Abuse Social Service Intervention: Improving Client Retention and Case resolution
Victoria Rizzo
Hartford Faculty Scholar, Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education participant, and Gero-Ed Center participant

Reported Effects of Chronic Illness on Daily Life Among Older Women
Kathryn Adams
Hartford Faculty Scholar

Virtually Intouch: Innovative Tools for Effective Online Instruction
Sherry Cummings
Hartford Faculty Scholar and Gero-Rich participant

Interprofessional and Uniprofessional Approaches to Prepare Students for Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Gerontology
Robin Bonifas
Hartford Faculty Scholar

Race, Region, and Radicals: Jim Crow and Social Work Conferences, 1930-1942
K. Abel Knochel
Hartford Pre-dissertation Awardee, Cohort III

The Role of Culture, Health, and Wellness in Schizophrenia: A Narrative Comparison
Lydia Ogden
Hartford Doctoral Fellow

The Role of Place of Employment in Field Education
Tracy Schroepfer
Hartford Doctoral Fellow and Hartford Faculty Scholar

Interprofessional Education: Preparing MSW Students for Team Practice
Kelley Macmillan
Hartford Doctoral Fellow

Monday, November 12, 2012

African American Caregivers of Older Adults with Chronic Illness
Nancy Kropf
Hartford Faculty Scholar

Comparison of Outcomes of a Distance Education and a Traditional MSW Program
Sherry Cummings
Hartford Faculty Scholar and Gero-Rich participant

Learning Outcomes of an Oral History Service-learning Project to Teach Person-centered Care
Denise Gammonley
Hartford Faculty Scholar, Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education participant, Gero-Ed Center participant, and Gero-Rich participant

Sustaining Our Aging Initiatives: The Importance of Community Partners
Pamela Kovacs
Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education participant and Gero-Ed Center participant

Trauma, Coping, and Mental Health Among Older Prisoners: Criminal Justice-Social Work Implications
Tina Maschi
Hartford Faculty Scholar

Gero-Ed Practice in Promoting the Value of Older Women in Rural Communities
Norma Thomas
Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education participant

Is Competence Enough? Implications of the Good Work Model for Training
Laura Lewis
Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education participant

Offsite Field Supervision in Social Work Education: What Makes It Work?
Anne E. Fortune
Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education participant

Pathways to Competence: Conceptualizing, Articulating, and Evaluating Student Learning in Field Education
Lisa Richardson
Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education participant and Gero-Ed Center participant