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Substance Abuse Policies and Services Teaching Module

This 2-hour module assumes knowledge of programs and services such as Medicare and basic knowledge of substance abuse services. It focuses on issues related to older adults, substance abuse policies, and services; and includes references and reading lists. The PowerPoint presentation includes discussion questions and teaching points in the notes section. It addresses: epidemiology, service utilization, implications for policy and services, prevalence, substance use, abuse and health issues, co-occurring mental illness, etiology, treatment needs, prevention, gaps between need and utilization, “aging specific” reasons for lack of treatment, demographics, payment sources, Medicare outpatient providers, reimbursement for screening and brief intervention (SBIRT), planned legislative changes to Medicare, and Medicare parity.

Competencies Addressed in This Module:

  1. Ability to identify how policies, regulations, and programs impact older adults and their caregivers, particularly among historically disadvantaged populations, such as women and elders of color.
  2. Identification and development of strategies, including intergenerational approaches, to address service gaps, fragmentation, discrimination, and barriers that impact older persons.
  3. Identification of the availability of resources and resource systems for older adults and their families.