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​​2022 CSWE Election

The Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE's) National Nominating Committee (NNC) is pleased to present the candidates for the open positions on the CSWE Board of Directors and NNC. 

The 2022 election is scheduled to open in late April and close in late May. Ballots will be sent to all eligible members via individual e-mail.

PLEASE NOTE: Your CSWE membership must be current through March 31, 2022, for you to be eligible to vote in this election.

2022 Election Slate

CSWE Board of Directors

Graduate Program Representative 
Dianna Cooper-Bolinskey, Campbellsville University (KY)
Laura Curran, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (NJ)

Undergraduate Program Representative
Christa Gilliam, Coppin State University (MD)
Dawn McCarty, University of Houston-Downtown (TX)

Jose Coll, Portland State University (OR)
Michael Robinson, University of Georgia (GA)

National Nominating Committee 

Practice Representative
Erica Sandoval, Latinx in Social Work Inc.  (NY)
Ian “Cole” Watts, Stages of Recovery, Inc. (TX)

All positions are 3-year terms, beginning July 1, 2022, and ending June 30, 2025. 

The membership eligibility deadline to vote in this election is March 31, 2022. Access the procedures for petitioning form, nomination by petition form, and candidate biographical information and statement form. All petitions regarding the current election can be emailed or mailed to the CSWE office. Emailed and mailed petitions must be received by 12:00 PM (ET), March 11, 2022.

For questions about the election process, please contact CSWE Elections.